Monday, 29 September 2003  
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Nilwala will be diverted to develop agriculture- Minister

by A. W. Gunawardhana, Matara central correspondent

Even with the foreign aid, diversion of river Nilawala to the Tangalle district of Hambantota will be done with the aim of developing the agricultural activities in the Ruhuna zone. But it will not be the only alternative to solve the unemployment problem in the Ruhuna zone, said the Minister of Irrigation and Water Management Gaminie Jayawickrama Perera.

He was addressing a meeting at the Yuga Dekma 2003 at Sanath Jayasuriya Stadium, Matara recently.

Minister Perera said, rural areas could be developed only through the expansion of the tourism and also by making available the modern technologies at village level.

Resources of the country should be fully harnessed to obtain maximum yields. Till recent times, banks adopted the method of earning money out of money, the present Government changed that policy by reducing the rate of interest from 24 to 8 per cent. Public participation is essential to develop the country as the politicians and the government officials alone cannot think of achieving development.

Water is a common ingredient, enjoyed by everyone irrespective of social differences. Water could be compared to a nation. One nation is not second to another. As in other countries, we are blessed with intelligent and skilful technicians, craftsmen and so on. Unfortunate things that unleashed during the period of 1988-1989 made our country to suffer a setback in development activities.

Yuga Dekma 2003 exhibitions provide knowledge more than entertainment. JVP leaders in their days ordered closure of schools, universities, banks and all other income-generating establishments.

The present Government is doing its best to uplift the economy of the country. Therefore the co-operation of the masses is anticipated to achieve it.

Minister of Industries Rohitha Bogollagame said, gradual development of industries were taking place - Exhibitions like Yuga Dekma are essential for further development in that sphere.

Matara District MP Justin Galappatti also spoke.

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