Lanka doesn’t love India less, or China more -
Part II:
Asia, not a playground for other countries
This is augmented by some Sri Lankans who fight
the Cold War from the opposite side as it were. In part because of
their understandable anger with the West for its efforts to prevent
the eradication of terrorism, they forget India’s support for our
struggle, and lump both together, while promoting a polarization
that exalts China as the principal trustworthy ally.
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The Human Dimension
Surfing Change
Change has often been cited as a buzz-word in
today’s modern world. Be it in adapting to the speed of technology
that is fast garnering acceptance in every sphere or changing our
perceptions, change is cited as the main reason that will empower us
in the future.
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Leadership re-invented
Change is in the air - in our economy, our
nation, and our world. The use of technology, a desire for authentic
community, and a hunger to communicate and live good lives are
challenging the present leaders to rethink the way they lead.
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