‘Sovereignty and security - China’s primary foreign policy aims’
Foreign Minister Yang: Premier Wen Jiabao has
outlined China's foreign policy and foreign relations in his Report
on the Work of the government. Now I'm ready to take your questions.
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Reminiscences of Gold
Searching mind on social issues
Raised in a background which afforded ample
opportunities for career development, Dr. Asoka Bandarage has
reached great heights in the academic field. A professor, research
scholar, policy analyst, and a consultant, Dr. Bandarage has many
publications and achievements to her credit. A lady with outstanding
qualifications, she took time off from her busy schedule to talk to
Reminiscences in Gold.
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Freedom behind bars: transforming lives of inmates
Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky (1821- 1881)
author of Crime and Punishment once said: “The degree of
civilization in a society can be judged by entering its prisons.” He
was right. A society cannot be recognized as a civilized one unless
it treats the prisoners with sympathy and affection. This treatment
is not possible till the society recognizes and accepts their basic
human rights and the fundamental rights.
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