Daily News Online

Wednesday, 11 April 2012



Saiva Mangaiyar Kalagam:

A dance sequence to assist displaced children

The Saiva Mangaiyar Kalagam in association with the ‘House of Viba’ presented the ‘Power of Shakthi’ (a dance sequence) to assist the displaced children (girls) who are badly affected by war, tsunami and various other natural disasters at Kathiresan hall, Bambalapitiya, Colombo 4.

The power of women is known as ‘Mahasakthi'. The Indian epics describe women as beautiful, pious, intelligent, affectionate, brave, virtuous and stable. The word ‘Shakthi’ means divine energy, force or power. Shakthi is a metaphor for womanhood, an embodiment of creative feminine force. As a force unifies most actively manifests through female embodiment, creativity and fertility. Shakthi is the great divine mother.

According to the ‘Shakthi Sangama Tantra’, a woman is the creator of the universe, the universe is her form. She is the foundation of the world and is the true form of the body. In woman is the form of all things, of all that lives and moves in the world.

There is no jewel rarer than a woman, no condition superior to that of a woman.

In the ‘Power of Shakthi’ (a dance sequence) we were able to witness the different interpretations of Shakthi, the Shakthi present in humans, the power of Divine Shakthi, the potency of Shiva Shakthi.

There are six aspects of Shakthi. They are Kriya Shakthi, Kundalini Shakthi, Iccha Shakthi, Para Shakthi, Gnana Shakthi and Manjrika Shakthi. In fact, Shakthi – ‘the power of a woman’ (a dance sequence) which was presented recently was a scintillating evening of fashion show, dance and music.

For this dance, music and fashion programmes which was held for two days, several Indian artistes and cinema actresses namely Pooja and Sreya were present. Indeed, their dance and music performances enthralled the audience.

In fact, throughout the 82 years of existence the Saiva Mangaiyar Kalagam under the presidentship of Sivanandini Duraiswamy has taken all possible steps to foster Hinduism, promote Tamil culture and even to help the poor and downtrodden and young girls who are tremendously affected by war, tsunami and various unprecedented natural disasters.

Indeed, Sivanandini Duraiswamy is an extra-ordinary woman of wisdom, character, culture, ability and leadership. She is a woman with vision, mission and foresight who pilots the affairs of the Kalagam with distinction, indefatigable energy, undaunted determination, unimpeachable integrity, fairness, total dedication and commitment.

There is a ring of authenticity and nobility of courage and earnestness in whatever she does. She is constantly pragmatic and practical in her approach to the problem of the Kalagam and Vidyalayam.

The Saiva Mangaiyar Kalagam started several programmes which were accomplished with immense success. It also embarked an humanitarian works extending its caring service to refugee families in the Vanni and Batticaloa areas.

Indeed, on the occasion of its 82nd year of existence of Saiva Mangaiyar Kalagam, “let us remember with gratitude the founders of the Kalagama and Saiva Mangaiyar Vidyalayam.”



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