Daily News Online

Wednesday, 28 December 2011






Marriage Proposals
Government Gazette

Live up to expectations of progressive opinion

The positive comment on the LLRC report coming from India and Russia is something Sri Lanka should warmly welcome. We need hardly say that the two countries in question are vital members of the world community and are pivotal to moulding international opinion in constructive ways. When they speak, the world is likely to sit up and listen.

Therefore, we could say that India and Russia have once again proved to be very worthy friends of Sri Lanka. Through their comments on the LLRC report they have helped in enhancing the credibility of the report and have alerted world opinion to the fact that there is ample substance in the document which should not pass unnoticed. Accordingly, their comments are an ideal rebuttal of the negative views which are being aired in some quarters about the report.

India and Russia are increasingly being seen as central to the vitality and growth of the world economy, besides being principal global military and scientific powers. Their support for Sri Lanka is a huge plus which the Lankan state should put to judicious use in the course of popularizing the LLRC report on a worldwide scale.

For instance, by indicating that some principal global powers are fully supportive of the LLRC and its report we could further impress on international opinion that the report should in no way be trifled with. It is a vital instrument in the further transformation of Sri Lanka from a conflict-ridden country to one with immense possibilities and positives. This, the world needs to be told by us emphatically.

India and Russia should, of course, know what they are talking about in these contexts, as well as of other matters of global political importance. Besides being notable supporters of the numerous just causes of the less advantaged sections of the world community since the coming into being of the post-World War Two international political order, they have seen and experienced the worst ravages of political terrorism. Very rightly, they have not bowed down to the forces of terror and by virtue of these strengths they know fully well how just Sri Lanka's cause is.

Both India and Russia have preserved hard won democratic freedoms and they know for certain that eternal vigilance is indeed the price of liberty. Would any right-thinking person or group fault India for using legitimate military and law and order measures to curb the numerous terror groups which have, over the years, tried to segment it on racial, religious and regional lines? What would have been India's situation if she had, for instance, bowed to the demands of the Sikh terrorists in the mid-eighties, to cite just one example? Likewise, would not have Russia paid a very heavy price in territorial and national sovereignty terms, if she had given-in to the Chechnyan separatists who are unconscionably bent on unleashing the worst violence?

Therefore, the perpetration of terror demands a law and order response because, as we know fully well, the die-hard practitioners of political terror are not at all inclined to adopt negotiations as a means of resolving their perceived grievances. Terrorism has to be first blunted before political negotiations begin, if not, the terrorists would be in a position to dictate terms and no one would gain in such a situation. Nor are those who are wedded to terror representative of any section of the citizenry. Therefore, terrorists and their supporters are by no means representative of the people.

That said, it needs to be also pointed out that progressive opinion the world over, are eagerly watching the Lankan state's next moves with regard to particularly the recommendations of the LLRC report. While some 'breathing space' needs to be given a state which has just got over the problem of terror, to enable it to get along with the political measures which would lay the basis for normalcy within its boundaries, the state concerned would do well not drag its feet in this task of rebuilding, reconstructing and rejuvenating. If it gives signs of lethargy on this score, it could very well be seen as lacking in credibility.

Therefore, we hope, from now on, a sincere effort at bringing reconciliation and healing to this country would take hold under the leadership of President Mahinda Rajapaksa. We call for a strictly time-bound process of bringing social peace and stability which would have as its basis justice to all.

Realizing the Mahinda Chinthanaya... an LSSP perspective

While we welcome the commitment of the UPFA government to welfarism, in a world that is moving away from this, the need to eliminate undeserving people from the Samurdhi net and the inclusion of those who deserve it, specially from the plantations, should be a priority. We warmly welcome the steps being taken to increase the free supply of all essential medicines in the government hospitals by implementing the Senaka Bibile Drug Policy by the Health Minister. But the health budget needs to be doubled. More attention must be given to preventive health,

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The Human Dimension

How do you respond to tough times?

When we go through the tough times, the trying circumstances, it is easy to feel disheartened. That’s the fight or flight instinct at work. We shun difficult times and if given a chance, would want to experience only the good things in life. But when we look back, we always find that the tough times have mellowed us, have made us into better, more mature individuals who would like to think over decisions, mull over life changing issues before making a commitment,

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Whatever one may think of the LLRC and NORAD reports, it is incontrovertible that two of the three major players in the last stage of the Sri Lankan conflict have undertaken and undergone a preliminary audit of sorts - the Sri Lankan state and the Norwegians - while the third (and the second in importance) has not, and not even thought to.

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