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Tuesday, 9 August 2011






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How to become a quality student

We have heard that ‘today’s students are tomorrow’s leaders of a country and the qualities of the student clearly determine the students’ bright future and carrier path.’ Is it a genuine statement? By looking at today’s student’s society, can we justify the above statement Who is a quality student? What are the qualities of a good student? Historically, the term ‘student’ referred anyone who learns something. Can we now use the same definition to define students?

Good students follow the great principle ‘Do it now’

Being a man who has visited more than 1000 government schools, I cannot agree with the above statement. To me the recent definition of a ‘student’ is anyone who attends school, college, or university. Even at the age of 65, if someone enters the post graduate faculty of a university, he is called a student.

Again, what are the good qualities of a student? Based on my personal experience and research, I list down the qualities of a good student as follows.


A few weeks ago, we discussed about studying smarter not harder. Today we are going to talk about hard work as we cannot ignore this concept fully. Whatever said and done, quality of a good student can be highlighted as hard working. We can not achieve good results and academic success without training and effort. Vladimir I Lenin claimed that “learn, learn more, learn forever”, this shows us the importance of learning, our whole lifetime regardless of age.


Basically, a quality student possesses the ability and willingness to learn new subjects even the subjects are not interesting. Gender has nothing to do with being a ‘good’ or ‘bad’ student. All are equally endowed with the same quality and quantity of grey matter at birth.

A ‘quality’ student is one who is interested in learning new things.

His interest is steady and wanes only if the subject matter does not suit his inner nature.

A quality student however works hard at learning whatever is being taught in the coursework assigned.

He utilizes his brain to think, research, study, experiment for himself and find results. He does not depend on other people finding the answers and handing them over to him, but thrives in doing his own thinking.


Acquiring academic skills is the most important quality of a good student. Ability to read comprehensively, to write effectively, to speak fluently, and to communicate clearly are the key areas in which a good student must be proficient.

Having a good handle in all these areas will make a student shine. One who comes to class prepared to learn, is well rested, pleasant, pays attention, makes their best effort always, can follows directions, works independently and in groups, ask questions, has a natural curiosity, enjoys reading and writing, does not talk back, completes their classwork and homework assignments, is not disruptive, respects others, waits to be called on to answer questions, gets along with their peers, and tells the truth.

Ability and discipline

A quality student has the ability to apply the results of his or her learning in to a creative way and achieve the goals. However, to me a quality student is not always the student that gets an ‘A’. Some students can get an ‘A’ without even trying and they will take any path they need to, to get that A. There are some students that work their little hearts out and get a ‘B’ or even a ‘C’ but they are much better students than the ‘A’ student. A student is someone that wants to learn and study to make himself better.

Understanding concepts

A lot of surveys suggest students must understand the concepts rather than just memorizing them. The memorized facts and theories will stay in students’ memory until they leave school, college, or university. Sometimes, even at the end of the day once out of school, the students will totally forget the core concepts that they learned during the day. Therefore, it is essential a good student understand the concepts.

Respect for others and for property

The good student harbours respect for others especially teachers at school. They will treat others the way they want to be treated. Destroying or taking someone’s property and harming it would not be something they would do. Good students even at home would get up from their seats and respect the parents. But in our society, unfortunately we do not see these types of students any more.


Responsibility is another quality of good students. They are dependable and make good choices. They take care of things that belong to them and show more responsibility when they take care of themselves and what they do. Finishing homework on the same day is the responsibility of a good student. They always follow the great principle “DO IT NOW”. Procrastination is not in the dictionary of a good quality student.


A quality student has great organizational skills. He has the ability to plan and organize not only his things but his thoughts as well. Being organized allows a person to be prepared for all the situations that are to follow and therefore, he is able to give all that he has. For example, if he has a test or a sports match at the end of the week and he has already jotted down the points or has made a note of all the moves that he will follow, then that allows him plenty of time to prepare for the same and understand where he lacks practice or skill and thereby work on it to improve these areas. This could not have been possible if he had taken up the studies at the last minute.


A quality student does not resort to unfair and underhanded means to bring about results. He is instead someone who is sincere and hard working. Students who work sincerely are those who will do their work on time, do all that is required and demanded of that work and ensure that they do not do a sloppy job.

Change according to the situation

A quality student is able to measure the situation, understand what it requires and then produce what it takes. It means that he does not stick to a set routines and ideas, but be able to mould according to the need of the hour.

This allows him to be prepared for any situation and he is able to handle a last minute crisis as well.

A quality student is not a good student only because he is good at studies, but also because he is an overall performer. With all these qualities, he is able to produce positive results in all fields of work that includes sports, co-curricular activities and studies.

The importance of these qualities is seen not only in the way they mould good students but also in the way that they are able to transform good students into good citizens. And that is where their success lies.


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