Daily News Online

Friday, 20 May 2011






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Government Gazette

Amadhahara Vesak Zone :

Media Ministry Secy commends ANCL

Media and Information Ministry Secretary W B Ganegala yesterday commended the efforts of the Associated Newspapers of Ceylon Ltd to generate spiritual fervour among the people by organizing a number of programmes, such as, Amadhahara Vesak Zone during the Vesak season.

He said this Vesak Full Moon day is of greater importance to the country as it marks the beginning of the 2600th Sri Sambuddhathva Jayanthi.

The ministry secretary was of the view that Vesak celebrations this year became a success and people showed more enthusiasm to participate in religious activities during this season than ever due to this land mark event.

Ganegala was speaking at the opening of the Amadhahara Vesak Zone organized by the ANCL in association with Sri Lanka Telecom. The Vesak Zone ended yesterday.

ANCL Chairman Bandula Padmakumara, Sri Lanka Telecom Chief Executive Officer Greg Young, Media and Information Ministry Senior Assistant Secretary T.D. Waniganayake, Editorial Director Seelarathna Senerath, Legal Director Rasanga Harischandra, Director Operations Upul Dissanayake, Company Secretary Kumudu Gunawardane and General Manager Abhaya Amaradasa were among those present.

Ajith Renuka of Colombo 15 was the winner of the Vesak lantern competition and received a cheque for Rs. 255,000 with a certificate from Ministry Secretary W.B. Ganegala and ANCL Chairman Bandula Padmakumara.

Kamal Jayasiri of Radawana and Indika Yogachandra of Adiambalama were the first and second runners up.

Members of the ANCL Director Board and Sri Lanka Telecom CEO Greg Young presented cheques and certificates to the winners who secured fourth to 15th places.

A panel of judges headed by Nisansala Karunarathna took every aspects of lanterns into account in their judgment.

Ganegala added that the government headed by President Mahinda Rajapaksa made arrangements to celebrate this landmark event two years ago.

"President Rajapaksa appointed a Special Task Force for the celebration of 2600th Sri Sambuddhathva Jayanthi."

He said that the country was freed from the scourge of terrorism due to the dynamic, and farsighted leadership of President Rajapaksa.

The ministry secretary was of the view that all Sri Lankan irrespective of their petty differences should pay their respect to the President , Defence Secretary Gotabhaya Rajapaksa and members of the Security Forces for the eradication of terrorism which plagued the country for more than 30 years.

"The country succeeded in eradicating terrorism exactly two years ago and the people should keep in mind the sacrifice made by our bretheren for the country," he added.

He said the government has declared a month dedicated for the war heroes from yesterday and a series of programmes are in store to pay gratitute to them.

Editorial Director Seelarathna Senerath said the ANCL has secured an important place among the readers.

He said that Colombo and suburbs witnessed unprecedented crowds during the Vesak season for the first time after a lapse of nearly three decades. He said the government led by President Mahinda Rajapaksa created a free environment for the people by eradicating terrorism.

He added that the President and the Security Forces deserve the credit for eradicating terrorism. Derana TV and Derana FM were the electronic media sponsors while the official beverage was Coca Cola. The official insurance partner was National Insurance Trust Fund.


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