Daily News Online

Friday, 13 May 2011



		Market statistics on May 12, 2011
		Security	Volume	**V.W.A.	Open	High	Low	**V.W.A.	Change
			Previous				Todays	(Rs.)
			Close				Close
Main Board
A. Spen. Hot. Hold 	24,600	91.70	91.00	93.00	90.10	90.90	(0.80)
Abans		6,800	300.00	295.00	300.00	295.00	300.00	-
ACL		63,400	94.90	95.00	95.50	95.00	95.50	0.60
ACL Plastics	1,600	170.50	170.20	172.00	170.00	172.00	1.50
ACME		200,700	24.00	23.50	24.50	23.50	23.60	(0.40)
Agalawatte		1,200	80.00	80.00	80.00	78.80	79.90	(0.10)
Ahot Properties XR	15,000	189.40	190.00	195.00	187.10	189.90	0.50
Aitken Spence	24,200	159.80	159.00	159.50	157.50	158.10	(1.70)
Alliance		1,400	890.00	900.00	930.00	890.10	890.10	0.10
Amaya Leisure	700	115.70	119.00	119.00	119.00	119.00	3.30
Arpico		1,900	120.40	121.00	124.00	120.50	121.50	1.10
Ascot Holdings	13,700	122.30	122.50	124.90	120.00	121.70	(0.60)
Asia Capital	4,100	91.40	91.50	93.10	90.00	90.00	(1.40)
Asiri		747,800	7.90	8.00	8.20	7.80	8.10	0.20
Asiri Surg		10,900	8.30	8.30	8.40	8.20	8.30	-
Aviva NDB		100	290.00	310.00	310.00	310.00	310.00	20.00
Bairaha Farms	36,700	420.60	416.00	420.00	405.00	410.80	(9.80)
Balangoda		95,500	53.70	53.20	56.90	53.20	55.20	1.50
Beruwela Walkinn	500	283.70	200.00	200.00	200.00	200.00	(83.70)
Blue Diamonds	415,900	3.30	3.30	3.40	3.20	3.30	-
Blue Diamonds (NV)	1,236,500	1.70	1.70	1.80	1.70	1.70	-
Bogala Graphite	124,600	73.60	70.00	70.00	63.50	65.10	(8.50)
Bogawantalawa	89,900	20.10	20.20	20.40	19.80	19.90	(0.20)
Browns		232,200	381.20	383.90	390.00	383.00	388.90	7.70
Browns Beach	12,700	20.30	20.00	20.40	19.70	20.00	(0.30)
Bukit Darah	4,100	1,111.10	1,105.00	1.106.20	1,050.10	1,088.80	(22.30)	
CT Holdings XR	17,300	205.00	205.00	205.20	205.00	205.20	0.20
CT Land		3,700	30.60	31.90	31.90	31.00	31.50	0.90
CW Macike		53,600	92.90	92.90	94.00	91.50	92.30	(0.60)
Cargills		8,300	220.00	220.00	220.00	220.00	220.00	-
Cargo Boat	400	139.20	145.00	145.00	140.00	140.10	0.90
Carsons		6,600	645.00	645.00	645.00	635.20	639.60	(5.40)
CDB		4,400	77.60	78.00	79.90	78.00	69.20	1.60
CDIC		2,000	200.40	210.00	218.90	210.00	217.40	17.00
Central Finance	135,400	1,510.60	1,550.00	1,609.90	1,550.00	1,568.60	58.00
Central		600	100.00	99.60	103.00	99.50	103.00	3.00
Ceylinco Ins.(NV)	8,600	305.00	310.00	310.00	300.00	305.00	-
Ceylon Berwery	200	560.00	541.00	541.00	540.00	540.50	(19.50)
Ceylon Guardian	6,200	369.70	364.10	369.00	359.00	369.00	(0.70)
Ceylon Inv.	20,000	151.00	150.60	151.00	148.40	149.00	(2.00)
Ceylon Leather	30,800	81.00	84.00	94.00	82.50	90.90	9.90
Ceylon Leather (WC2011)	
		3,400	13.20	13.00	15.90	13.00	14.50	1.30
Ceylon Leather (WC2014)	
		12,300	13.00	13.0014.40	13.00	14.10	1.10
Ceylon Leather (WC2015)	
		22,200	13.10	16.20	16.20	13.00	13.80	0.70
Ceylon Tobacco XD	700	380.00	375.00	375.00	370.20	374.30	(5.70)
CFI		8,400	378.00	380.00	380.00	378.00	378.00	-
CFT		10,800	7.70	7.80	7.90	7.70	7.90	0.20
Chemanex		700	125.50	126.20	126.50	126.10	126.50	1.00
Chevron		57,600	161.50	161.00	162.00	160.00	160.00	(1.50)
CIC		4,100	148.20	147.10	150.00	146.00	149.70	1.50
CIC (NV)		12,400	104.30	105.00	105.00	103.10	104.40	0.10
Citrus Leisure	275,200	69.60	68.00	71.00	68.00	70.00	0.40
Citrus Leisure (WC2011)11,600	27.10	27.50	27.60	27.20	27.20	0.10
Citrus Leisure (WC2012)2,900	21.00	20.30	21.00	20.20	20.50	(0.50)
Citrus Leisure (WC2015)38,800	16.60	16.50	16.90	16.10	16.20	(0.40)
City Housing	60,800	19.70	19.30	20.50	19.00	19.30	(0.40)
Coco Lanka	69,300	80.00	80.00	82.50	80.00	81.90	1.90
Coco Lanka (NV)	35,600	60.00	60.00	63.00	60.00	62.00	2.00
Col Pharmacy	600	3,025.00	3,000.00	3,150.00	3,000.00	3,058.30	33.30
Cold Stores XD	700	820.20	810.90	815.00	810.00	813.00	(7.20)
Colombo Land	639,500	19.90	19.80	22.00	19.70	21.00	1.10
Colonial MTR	67,000	310.00	310.00	339.00	310.00	327.10	17.10
Commercial Bank	505,000	261.30	262.00	262.00	260.00	261.90	0.60
Commercial Bank (NV)49,300	181.70	181.50	183.00	181.00	182.40	0.70
Commercial Dev XD	1,800	121.70	115.00	126.00	115.00	120.00	(1.70)
Convenience Food	300	390.00	380.00	390.00	380.00	385.00	(5.00)
Dankatuwa Porcel	174,000	52.70	54.70	56.90	52.50	55.50	2.80
DFCC Bank	9,900	168.00	169.00	169.00	166.50	167.00	(1.00)
Dialog XD		1,332,800	9.90	10.00	10.10	9.90	9.90	-
Dimo		6,700	1,450.10	1,460.00	1,498.00	1,450.00	1,496.60	46.50
Dipped Products	1,200	114.60	115.00	115.00	115.00	115.00	0.40
Distilleries		5,500	182.60	183.00	183.00	181.00	182.00	(0.60)
Dockyard		12,900	250.10	251.50	251.50	250.00	251.10	1.00
Dolphin Hotels	27,700	48.00	49.00	49.00	47.50	47.90	(0.10)
Dunamis Capital	1,349,900	11.60	11.60	14.10	11.60	13.60	2.00
East West		324,600	10.70	10.80	11.00	10.70	10.80	0.10
Eastern Merchant	1,200	1,234.10	1,320.00	1,628.00	1,320.00	1,366.50	132.40
Eden Hotel Lanka	20,900	47.60	47.20	47.40	47.00	47.20	(0.40)
Envi. Resources	387,800	65.40	65.50	72.50	65.30	69.80	4.40
Envi. Resources
(WC-2012)		222,100	30.60	30.20	35.50	29.60	33.50	2.90
Envi. Resources
(WC-2014)		173,400	26.10	25.40	30.50	25.40	29.40	3.30
Envi. Resources
(WC-2015)		284,200	26.70	28.30	30.50	26.50	29.40	2.70
Envi. Resources
(Warrants-00)	201,400	38.50	39.50	48.00	39.00	44.30	5.80
Equity		9,400	60.90	62.90	62.90	60.30	60.30	(0.60)
Equity Two Plc	11,300	37.40	35.50	36.00	34.00	34.30	(3.10)
Finlays Colombo	100	281.00	281.00	281.00	281.00	281.00	-
First Capital	728,100	21.60	23.00	23.70	22.00	22.70	1.10
Fort Land		362,200	86.30	88.80	89.00	86.10	86.60	0.30
Galadari		6,800	30.20	30.20	31.70	30.20	31.40	1.20
Gestetner		2,200	345.00	353.00	354.00	345.00	348.40	3.40
Grain Elevators	206,300	140.70	140.00	140.00	130.00	138.40	(2.30)
Hapugastenne	900	73.00	74.00	75.00	74.00	75.00	2.00
Haycarb		22,400	150.20	150.10	151.70	145.00	150.00	(0.20)
Hayleys		20,000	395.00	400.00	400.00	396.00	399.40	4.40
Hayleys - MGT	172,300	38.70	38.00	40.90	38.00	40.00	1.30
Hayleys Exports	3,100	54.80	55.00	55.00	51.50	52.70	(2.10)
HDFC XD		14,100	1,578.70	1,520.00	1,650.00	1,520.00	1,632.20	53.50
Hemas Holdings	57,900	46.10	46.10	46.90	46.10	46.70	0.60
Hemas Power	49,600	35.20	36.00	36.00	35.00	35.20	-
HNB		164,700	219.00	219.00	220.10	219.00	220.00	1.00
HNB Assurance	1,200	66.70	69.00	69.20	67.50	69.00	2.30
HNB (NV)		297,200	121.10	121.10	121.10	119.00	119.90	(1.20)
Horana		47,000	73.30	73.00	75.00	72.50	74.60	1.30
Hotel Services	24,800	23.00	23.00	23.00	22.70	23.00	-
Hotel Sigiriya	2,100	82.30	82.00	82.00	77.50	80.20	(2.10)
Hotels Corp.	2,100	31.20	31.10	31.10	30.90	30.90	(0.30)
Huejay		1,100	208.60	211.00	211.00	151.20	167.60	(41.00)
Hydro Power	13,900	13.40	13.40	13.70	13.40	13.60	0.20
Industrial Power	300	510.00	505.00	505.00	490.10	490.10	(19.90)
JKH		224,500	289.70	290.00	296.00	290.00	295.50	5.80
John Keells XD	60,700	219.00	220.00	243.00	210.00	217.20	(1.80)
Kahawatte		6,000	40.60	38.30	40.20	38.30	40.10	(0.50)
Kandy Hotels	1,700	271.50	280.00	280.00	270.00	270.00	(1.50)
Keells Foods	6,000	157.20	155.00	160.00	155.00	156.90	(0.30)
Keells Hotels	903,600	16.60	16.70	16.80	16.40	16.70	0.10
Kegalle		15,400	204.70	202.70	210.00	202.00	210.00	5.30
Kelani Cables	600	106.00	104.50	104.50	100.50	101.20	(4.80)
Kelani Tyres	20,100	51.50	51.50	52.00	50.80	51.20	(0.30)
Kelani Valley	100	164.40	155.00	155.00	155.00	155.00	(9.40)
Kelsey		42,600	16.90	16.30	18.40	16.30	17.00	0.10
Kotagala		32,500	150.00	150.20	153.00	150.00	150.70	0.70
Kotmale Holdings	21,300	55.40	58.00	60.00	55.10	55.40	-
Kuruwita Textile	6,300	29.10	29.80	30.00	29.80	30.00	0.90
Lake House Prin.	2,700	167.60	156.10	160.00	150.00	153.10	(14.50)
Lanka Aluminium	36,900	80.30	78.00	82.90	76.00	77.80	(2.50)
Lanka Cement	8,500	24.20	24.10	24.80	24.10	24.60	0.40
Lanka Ceramic	18,000	156.80	152.00	159.50	152.00	157.90	1.10
Lanka Floortiles	5,100	129.00	128.00	128.00	128.00	128.00	(1.00)
Lanka Hospitals	18,600	43.00	43.50	43.50	42.00	42.00	(1.00)
Lanka IOC		34,300	18.00	18.00	18.00	17.90	18.00	-
Lanka Ventures 	38,200	50.00	50.00	50.00	45.50	46.90	(3.10)
Lanka Walltile XD	2,900	163.30	164.00	164.00	161.00	162.20	(1.10)
Lankem Ceylon	57,000	560.90	565.00	575.00	565.00	572.00	11.10
Lankem Dev. XR	48,800	27.90	28.40	28.40	27.10	27.50	(0.40)
Lankem Dev. (Rights) XR8,772,500 0.30	0.30	0.30	0.10	0.10	(0.20)
Laxapana		122,800	8.10	8.10	8.50	8.10	8.40	0.30
LB Finance		22,900	167.00	166.00	170.00	166.00	166.70	(0.30)
Lion Brewery	113,600	235.20	235.00	235.20	235.00	235.00	(0.20)
LMF		22,700	120.00	119.00	119.00	118.00	118.00	(2.00)
LOLC		13,800	117.50	117.00	117.20	116.00	116.80	(0.70)
Madulsima		3,500	27.00	26.00	27.50	26.00	26.10	(0.90)
Mahaweli Reach	8,800	33.00	32.60	34.40	32.50	34.00	1.00
Malwatte		221,000	9.20	9.20	9.20	9.00	9.10	(0.10)
Malwatte (NV)	5,000	8.50	9.00	9.00	8.90	8.90	0.40
Maskeliya		57,600	28.60	28.00	30.50	28.00	29.80	1.20
Merc. Shipping	800	226.00	201.20	226.00	201.20	216.70	(9.30)
Merchant Bank	75,900	45.00	44.90	45.50	44.90	45.00	-
Morisons		400	3,000.00	3,250.00	3,250.00	3,100.00	3,100.00	100.00
Morisons (NV)	400	2,006.00	2,300.00	2,300.00	2,000.00	2,000.00	(6.00)
MTD Walkers	41,700	66.40	66.00	67.50	65.00	65.60	(0.80)
Mullers		288,600	2.30	2.30	2.50	2.30	2.40	0.10
Namal Acuity VF (Units)200	82.00	83.50	83.50	83.40	83.40	1.40
Namunukula	1,400	119.60	119.90	123.50	119.80	120.00	0.40
Nat. Dev. Bank	24,800	159.10	159.50	160.00	159.50	160.00	0.90
Nation Lanka	14,661,100 17.50	17.60	19.30	17.60	19.10	1.60
Nations Trust 	56,100	71.00	71.00	72.00	70.10	70.70	(0.30)
Nawaloka 		1,521,700	4.00	4.00	4.10	3.90	4.00	-
Nestle 		400	683.00	683.00	687.00	683.00	687.00	4.00
Nuwara Eliya XD	5,900	1,544.70	1,485.00	1,600.00	1,450.00	1.593.00	48.60
On’ally 		600	92.50	94.00	94.00	91.10	91.20	(1.30)
Overseas Realty XD 	101,700	14.40	14.60	14.70	14.50	14.70	0.30
Pan Asia 		236,000	56.00	55.50	56.60	55.00	56.20	0.20
Panasian Power 	586,100	3.80	3.80	3.90	3.80	3.80	-
Paragon 		200	2,199.50	1,201.10	1,201.10	1,201.10	1,201.10	(998.40)
Parquet 		36,000	23.10	23.00	23.70	22.50	22.80	(0.30)
PC House 		3,407,200	18.90	19.00	20.60	29.00	19.80	0.90
PDL 		1,800	55.10	54.10	57.50	53.50	54.60	(0.50)
Pegasus Hotels 	300	79.70	79.00	79.00	76.00	77.00	(2.70)
Pelwatte 		209,500	43.30	43.00	43.00	41.60	42.00	(1.30)
People’s Merch 	7,300	22.70	22.80	23.00	22.50	23.00	0.30
Piramal Glass 	841,000	10.60	10.80	10.90	10.60	10.80	0.20
Printcare PLC XD 	2,500	245.00	255.00	268.00	231.00	236.60	(8.40)
Radiant Gems 	4,800	97.00	97.10	97.10	90.00	91.40	(5.60)
Regnis 		43,700	195.70	201.90	202.00	195.20	201.00	5.30
Renuka City Hot 	17,000	381.50	390.00	439.00	390.00	413.40	31.90
Renuka Holdings 	66,400	68.70	69.00	72.00	68.20	69.10	0.40
Renuka Holdings (NV) 31,000	42.50	44.00	46.40	42.50	43.00	0.50
Rich Pieris Exp 	110,700	34.40	36.00	37.30	33.00	35.90	1.50
Richard Pieris 	867,600	13.00	13.10	13.10	12.90	13.10	0.10
Riverina Hotels 	4,600	112.00	110.10	110.10	104.00	104.40	(7.60)
Royal Ceramic  XD	39,800	152.30	151.50	155.00	151.50	154.80	2.50
S M B Leasing 	529,600	1.80	1.80	1.90	1.80	1.80	-
S M B Leasing (NV) 	340,600	0.80	0.80	0.80	0.70	0.70	(0.10)
S M B Leasing (War-con2011)	
		1,993,800	0.90	0.90	0.90	0.80	0.80	(0.10)
S M B Leasing (War-con2011)	
		2,789,700	0.50	0.50	0.60	0.50	0.50	-
Sampath 		161,200	272.80	270.60	274.00	270.60	272.00	0.20
Samson Internat 	4,400	121.30	121.20	128.50	121.00	123.40	2.10
Serendib Hotels XR 	30,200	29.00	30.00	31.00	30.00	30.40	1.40
Serendib Hotels (NV) XR 2,600	18.70	18.50	18.50	18.50	18.50	(0.20)
Serendib Land	100	2,400.00	1,900.00	1,900.00	1,900.00	1,900.00	(500.00)
Seylan Bank XR	111,300	73.00	73.00	75.00	73.00	73.10	0.10
Seylan Bank (NV) XR	130,300	35.20	35.20	35.80	35.20	35.20	-
Seylan Devts 	205,500	14.70	14.90	15.30	14.00	14.90	0.20
Shalimar		100	825.00	821.00	821.00	821.00	821.00	(4.00)
Shaw Wallace 	400	277.70	281.00	281.00	280.00	280.50	2.80
Singalanka 	600	1,233.30	1,590.00	1,590.00	1,315.00	1,315.00	81.70
Singer Finance 	90,500	33.20	33.00	33.90	32.90	33.10	(0.10)
Singer Ind 	200	175.00	175.00	180.00	175.00	180.00	5.00
Singer Sri Lanka 	1,700	95.50	98.60	98.80	98.60	98.70	3.20
SLT 		18,900	56.90	61.00	61.00	56.10	56.90	-
Sunshine Holding 	4,900	42.90	43.00	44.00	43.00	44.00	1.10
Taj Lanka 		6,700	57.50	58.00	58.00	57.50	58.00	0.50
Talawakelle 	5,300	41.60	42.00	42.00	40.80	40.90	(0.70)
Tea Smallholder XD	14,800	185.00	205.00	236.50	205.00	212.50	27.50
The Finance 	77,600	33.50	34.50	35.00	32.90	33.00	(0.50)
The Finance Co (NV) 	101,200	14.40	14.30	14.50	14.00	14.50	0.10
Three Acres Farms 	170,400	135.20	135.00	135.00	121.20	128.50	(6.70)
Tokyo Cement 	28,000	65.00	65.00	65.00	64.00	64.00	(1.00)
Tokyo Cement (NV) 	26,100	45.10	45.00	45.10	45.00	45.00	(0.10)
Trans Asia XD	100	186.00	185.00	185.00	185.00	185.00	(1.00)
Union Assurance 	2,600	248.60	245.00	245.00	240.00	240.40	(8.20)
Union Bank 	160,900	27.10	27.20	27.50	27.20	27.30	0.20
Union Chemicals	100	850.00	843.00	843.00	843.00	843.00	(7.00)
United Motors 	36,000	151.10	150.50	154.90	150.00	151.60	0.50
Vallibel 		193,70	9.40	9.50	9.60	9.30	9.50	0.10
Vallibel Finance 	172,000	46.90	47.00	50.00	46.70	47.60	0.70
Vidulanka	 	84,600	6.40	6.30	6.50	6.30	6.50	0.10
Watawala	 	7,900	24.00	24.20	24.40	24.20	24.40	0.40
York Arcade 	56,100	36.90	36.10	37.00	36.00	36.10	(0.80)

Diri Savi Board
Amana 		7,607,900	2.00	2.00	2.00	1.90	1.90	(0.10)
Asian Alliance 	100	135.10	140.00	140.00	140.00	140.00	4.90
Asiri Central	400	314.20	300.00	300.00	300.00	300.00	(14.20)
Ceylon Tea Brokers 	164,100	5.10	5.10	5.20	4.90	5.00	(0.10)
E - Chanelling 	739,200	3.90	3.90	4.00	3.80	3.80	(0.10)
Elpitiya 		16,500	34.20	33.50	33.60	33.20	33.50	(0.70)
Fortress Resorts 	798,000	27.60	29.50	29.50	27.20	28.00	0.40
Free Lanka 	933,300	5.00	5.00	5.10	4.90	5.00	-
Guardian Capital 	25,600	221.40	224.60	225.00	214.00	216.60	(4.80)
HVA Foods 	301,200	17.10	17.10	20.00	17.10	18.20	1.10
Janashakthi Ins 	104,300	15.10	15.10	15.50	15.00	15.20	0.10
Laugfs Gas 	303,900	39.30	38.80	39.00	38.50	38.60	(0.70)
Laugfs Gas (NV) 	234,700	29.00	30.00	30.00	28.00	28.40	(0.60)
Lighthouse Hotel 	800	56.00	66.90	66.90	56.00	58.50	2.50
Marawila Resorts 	5,519,300	10.00	10.30	12.50	10.30	12.00	2.00
Met Res Hol 	500	32.00	32.00	32.00	32.00	32.00	-
ODEL PLC	 	38,500	42.30	42.90	43.50	41.60	42.30	-
People’s Fin XR 	125,300	42.50	43.00	50.00	42.80	45.40	2.90
People’s Fin (Rights) XR 45,300	22.80	23.00	28.60	22.50	26.70	3.90
Raigam Salterns 	1,033,800	4.30	4.30	4.80	4.30	4.60	0.30
Renuka Agri 	14,752,400 6.00	6.10	7.30	6.10	7.10	1.10
Sierra Cabl	1,182,700	5.20	5.10	5.30	5.10	5.30	3.50
Sinhaputhra Fin 	35,700	101.80	101.00	107.90	101.00	105.30	3.50
Softlogic Fin 	38,800	61.00	60.50	64.00	60.50	63.10	2.10
Tess Agro 		2,429,400	2.70	2.70	3.00	2.70	2.80	0.10
Touchwood 	252,000	23.50	23.60	23.60	22.80	23.00	(0.50)
Udapussellawa 	200	48.80	45.50	45.50	41.00	43.30	(5.50)

Default Board
Hotel Developers 	300	124.10	125.00	125.00	124.60	124.60	0.50
Miramar 		300	423.60	450.00	450.00	435.00	440.00	16.40

Market statistics on May 12, 2011

Equity details		Today			Prv. Day
Value of Turnover (Rs.)	2,009,706,975.40		1,717,641,787.70
Volume of Turnover (No.)	90,841,499		50,238,696
Trades (No.)		20,092			14,998
Market Cap. (Rs.)		2,473,765,021,153.20		2,466,925,595,160.50

Corporate Debt		Today		Prv.Day
Value of Turnover		-		-
Volume of Turnover		-		-
Trades (No.)		-		-
Market Cap. (Rs.)		-		-

Govt. Securities		Today		Prv. Day
Value of Turnover (Rs.)	-		125,000.04
Volume of Turnover (No.)	-		1,250
Trades (No.)		-		2

Equity Indices
Price Indices		Today		Prv. Day
CSE All Share Index		7,300.82		7,280.66
Milanka Price Index		6,776.69		6,722.49

Total Return Indices
Tri On All Shares (ASTRI)	8,752.21		8,728.01
Tri On Milanka Shares (MTRI)	8,207.86		8,142.22

Colombo Stock Exchange
Announcements For the Day: 12.05.2011

Company Name          Dividend per	         Dividend            	   Shareholders	         XD Date	          Payment
                                    Share (Rs.)		                                    Meeting			             Date

Heycarb PLC	                      2.00               Final Dividend	           	 27.06.2011     	 28.06.2011	05.07.2011
Vidullanka PLC	                   0.10               Interim Dividend        	 24.05.2011	    02.06.2011
C.W Mackie PLC               	   1.00               Interim Dividend        	 25.05.2011	     03.06.2011

Default Board 
Company				    Date of		Reason
Name	                                      	    Transfer
Hotel Developers (Lanka) 
PLC	                                                28-Jun-2001	    Non submission of Annual Reports for the F/Y 31-Mar-1991 to 
		          		31-Mar-2010.	Non submission of Financial Statements for the quarters
		        				  ended 31-Mar-1998 to 31-Dec-2010.
Vanik Incorporation Ltd	                    12-Dec-2002	    Non submission of Annual Reports for F/Y 	
						ended 31-Dec-2007 to 
		         		 31-Dec-2009.	Non payment of debenture interest – Third 	instalment in  respect of the period 	
						ending 10-Dec-2002, the interest for the periods
						 nding 10-Dec-2003, 10-Dec-2004,10-Dec-2005, 10-Dec-2006 & 10-
						Non submission of Financial Statements for the 	
						quarters   ended 30-Sep-2008 to 30-Sep-2010. 	
						Non payment of Listing Fees for the      	years 2009 & 2010.
Ferntea Ltd	                                      02-Nov-2005	   Non submission of Annual Reports for the F/Y ended 31-Mar-2006 to 
		          		31-Mar-2010. 	Non submission of Financial Statements for the quarters 
		         				 ended 30-Jun-2007 to 31-Dec-2010.
Miramar Beach Hotels PLC	               09-Jun-2008	   Non submission of Annual Reports for the F/Y 	ended 31-Mar-2008 to 
                                                                    31-Mar-2010.	Non payment of Listing Fees for the year 2010. Non 
		          				submission of Financial Statements for the quarters ended 30-Sep-2010
		        				  & 31-Dec-2010.
Infrastructure Developers PLC	          14-Sep-2010	    Non Submission of Annual Report for the F/Y ended 31- Mar-2010.

List of Securities on which 10 percent Price Band is applicable (As of May 12, 2011)
In terms of the SEC directive dated 14th September 2010, a 10 percent price band has been imposed on the following security/securities:

Security	                                                                     Price Band
					From		To
ALUF.N.0000	                                             06-May-11	             12-May-11
LALU.N.0000	                                             09-May-11	             13-May-11        

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