Daily News Online

Wednesday, 20 April 2011






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Government Gazette

Stepping-up cooperation:

Bangladesh - Sri Lanka joint statement

At the invitation of Sheikh Hasina, Prime Minister of the People's Republic of Bangladesh, Mahinda Rajapaksa, President of the Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka paid a State visit to Bangladesh from April 18-20. The President of Sri Lanka was accorded a ceremonial welcome on arrival at the Hazrat Shahjalal International Airport in Dhaka on April 18.

The President was received by President of Bangladesh, Zillur Rahman. The Bangladesh President later hosted a State Banquet in his honour on April 19.

Dr. Dipu Moni, the Minister for Foreign Affairs paid a courtesy call on the President of Sri Lanka. During the visit, President Rajapaksa placed a wreath at the National Mausoleum at Savar and visited the Bangabandhu Museum in Dhaka.

The official talks between the two sides were held in a friendly and cordial atmosphere. Both sides noted with satisfaction that relations between Bangladesh and Sri Lanka are characterized by warmth and friendliness. The Prime Minister of Bangladesh expressed her happiness that the long awaited visit of the Sri Lankan President had finally materialized. The two leaders were in agreement that high-level visits including at the level of the parliamentarians, especially based on Parliamentary Friendship Associations established in each of the National Parliaments, were extremely useful for promoting greater understanding and cooperation between the two countries.

The Prime Minister of Bangladesh congratulated President Mahinda Rajapaksa on the decisive victory against terrorism in Sri Lanka and reaffirmed Bangladesh's support for the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Sri Lanka.

President Mahinda Rajapaksa thanked Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina and the Government of Bangladesh for their steadfast support in combating separatist terrorism in Sri Lanka, and in this context, for extending support to Sri Lanka at international forums, including the UN Human Rights Council.

The President of Sri Lanka also thanked the Government of Bangladesh for dispatching a consignment of much needed medicine as emergency relief assistance to the victims of the recent floods in Sri Lanka.

The two sides underscored the need for re-activating the relevant institutional mechanisms for mutual cooperation. They recognized the Bangladesh Sri Lanka Joint Economic Commission as an effective mechanism to further enhance bilateral cooperation between the two countries in many spheres. They agreed that the fourth Session of the Joint Economic Commission should be held as soon as possible.

Both sides agreed that the bilateral trade between Bangladesh and Sri Lanka, though showing positive trends, was far below the potential and did not reflect the cordial political relations. It was agreed that the two countries would undertake measures for trade facilitation including identification and removal of non-tariff barriers and simplification and harmonization of mutually recognized standards. Both sides also agreed to diversify the basket of tradable goods and looked for innovative ways to add fresh impetus to trade and commercial relations. In this context, both sides underscored the need to reduce further the number of items under SAFTA from each other's negative lists.

Both sides noted with satisfaction that a number of Sri Lankan business houses have invested in Bangladesh to the mutual benefit of both parties. Bangladesh welcomed more Sri Lankan investment in sectors such as textiles, knitwear, linen, leather, pharmaceuticals, agro-based industries and steel & engineering, IT, education, health and hospitality etc. President Mahinda Rajapaksa invited the Bangladesh business sector to seek out new opportunities available in Sri Lanka following the end of the conflict. Both sides underscored the need for setting up of more joint venture industries in each others country. In this context, the two leaders agreed that the finalization of the proposed Agreement on Investment Promotion and Protection should be completed as early as possible.

Both sides noted the necessity for air connectivity between the two countries for increased exchange and interaction. They expressed satisfaction at the commencement of operations between Colombo and Dhaka by Mihin Lanka. They agreed that the existing Air Services Agreement would be revisited to make it more responsive to current needs, including the facilitation of transport of air cargo. They directed their respective civil aviation authorities to commence negotiations on liberalization of the air services regime between the two countries.

The two leaders agreed that shipping is one of the areas that has great potential for mutual cooperation. They expressed satisfaction that the shipping authorities of the two countries were engaged in reviewing the existing Shipping Services Agreement between the two countries to make it more suitable for the present. The President of Sri Lanka requested the Bangladesh side to consider resuming the feeder service for Chittagong and Mongla Ports via Colombo and also invited a team from Bangladesh to visit the newly developed Hambantota deep sea Port and the upgraded facilities at the Colombo Port. The Bangladesh side agreed to send a team to Sri Lanka in the near future to explore the potential for mutual cooperation and the resumption of the feeder service.

Both sides noted that there was tremendous potential for cooperation in the tourism sector. Bangladesh side proposed that tour operators from both Sri Lanka and Bangladesh draw up special packages for people interested in visiting Buddhist religious sites.

In response to the request from Bangladesh, the Sri Lankan side agreed to provide training to nurses from Bangladesh in Sri Lanka. Officials of the concerned Ministries would meet at an early date and finalise details in this regard.

Recognizing the common historical and cultural linkages between the two countries, both sides noted that there was a need to encourage more frequent visits between cultural troupes of the two countries to promote understanding and interaction between the peoples of Bangladesh and Sri Lanka.

Both sides also agreed to facilitate programmes of youth exchange between the two countries with a view to promoting goodwill and understanding. Bangladesh expressed readiness to welcome more students from Sri Lanka to pursue higher studies in educational institutions in Bangladesh. Both sides observed that there existed immense scope for cooperation in the areas of agriculture, fisheries and livestock between the two countries and agreed to cooperate under the aegis of the MoUs signed in this regard.

Both sides expressed satisfaction with the ongoing level of cooperation between the defense forces of the two countries through exchange of training and goodwill visits. They agreed to promote further exchange and interaction between the defense forces.

Both sides noted with satisfaction that Bangladesh and Sri Lanka have been closely engaged in international and regional forums, including SAARC, BIMSTEC, IOR-ARC, etc. and agreed to continue to remain engaged on issues of common concern for mutual benefit.

President Mahinda Rajapaksa congratulated Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina on Dhaka being selected as the venue for the BIMST-EC Secretariat. The Prime Minister expressed the deep appreciation to the Government of Sri Lanka for their graciousness and support towards a consensus in favour of establishing the Secretariat in Dhaka. Sri Lanka would take necessary steps to nominate the first Secretary General of the BIMST-EC Secretariat.

Bangladesh side sought Sri Lanka's support for Bangladesh's candidature for the non-permanent membership of the UNSC for the period of 2016-17. The Sri Lanka side assured that the request for support would be accorded due consideration.

President Mahinda Rajapaksa requested the cooperation of the Government of Bangladesh to obtain the Sacred Hair Relics of Lord Buddha presently enshrined in a Buddhist Monastery in Chittagong for exposition in Sri Lanka. The Prime Minister of Bangladesh assured the cooperation of the Bangladesh side in arranging this exposition. The President also expressed his appreciation for Bangladesh's gesture of sending artefacts for exhibition at the International Buddhist Museum at the Temple of the Tooth Relic in Kandy.

The Prime Minister of Bangladesh and the President of Sri Lanka witnessed the signing of the following agreements/MoUs: a. MoU between the Export Development Board (EDB) of Sri Lanka and the Export Promotion Bureau (EPB) of Bangladesh

b. MoU between the Ministry of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources Development of Sri Lanka and the Ministry of Fisheries and Livestock of Bangladesh for cooperation in the relevant fields

c. MoU between Bangladesh Agricultural Research Council (BARC) and Sri Lanka Council for Agricultural Research Policy (SLCARP) on cooperation in agriculture

d. MoU between Tertiary and Vocational Education Commission (TVEC) of Sri Lanka and the Directorate of Technical Education (DTE) of Bangladesh for exchanging documentation and related material.

e. Cultural Exchange Programme between Bangladesh and Sri Lanka for the years 2011-2014

The President of Sri Lanka expressed his deep appreciation to the Government of Bangladesh for the warm hospitality and cordial welcome extended to him and the members of his delegation during the visit.

Bangladesh Prime Minister accepted the gracious invitation of the Sri Lanka President to visit Sri Lanka at a mutually convenient time, the dates for which would be finalized through diplomatic channels.



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