Daily News Online

Wednesday, 20 April 2011



Genuine Pabavathi

Disciple was surprised to see master in that smart attire.

“Are we going to see a very important person?”
“A royalty, in fact.”
“A king, I suppose.”
“That’s right.”

Disciple checked his own attire. It looked all right for the moment. But later on he will have to put on something more than decent.

Their visitor was Parakramabahu the second. Disciple remembered a past event, when they met another king. It was Mugalan the fifth. The one who wrote poetry. It was simply amazing that kings can write too.

Moments later they found themselves in a royal mansion. A crooked old man led them to a dusty room. The room was long and grey. There were bookshelves stretched across the room. Leaning against a wicker chair was a small-made old man, his feet propped down against a small table’s legs. He was the king, though he didn’t look one. His crown was left aside, gathering dust. The room smelt of old paper.

Parakramabahu greeted them with a smile. He instructed the crooked man in a whispering tone. May be to bring refreshments.

“Great to see you master and son. How are you keeping?”

Disciple looked at the master to give the answer.

“We are doing okay, Your Majesty.”

“Forget that Your Majesty. I’m more into this than ruling the country.” Parakramabahu said, pointing by his hands towards the books that surround him.

“I forgot to tell him why I chose to meet you.” Master told the king.

“May be I can give you an explanation. I was always fond of Kusa Jataka. But I didn’t like the way the Jataka author treated the woman. It was unfair, by all means.”

“Unfair?” Disciple questioned, stressing the word. He was wondering if it was rather contemptible.

“Yes, it is unfair. Do you know the story of Kusa and Pabavathi?”

“Sort of, yes.” Disciple responded.

“Well, basically it’s some beauty and the beast type story.”

“Do you know that story too?”

King chuckled and continued.

“Pabavathi was so pretty and King Kusa was so ugly. Kusa fell in love with Pabavathi, but the woman ignored and mistreated him. All because he was ugly. If you read the story, you will start despising Pabavathi for everything she does throughout the story.”

“So you fell in love with Pabavathi to change the character?”

“Exactly. You got the word right out of my mouth, son. Brilliant.”

Saying so, the king paused.

“So, what happened next?” Disciple asked.

“I completely changed Pabavathi’s characterization. My Pabavathi never blasts Kusa. She doesn’t chase him off. When Kusa faints, Pabavathi gets close to him, because she genuinely felt sad. Her lament is genuine.”

“Actually son, Pabavathi is quite the opposite in the Jataka story.” Master offered an explanation.

“You went against the generally accepted opinion of the woman, I take it.” Disciple said. The king was thoughtful for a moment before his response.

“In a way yes, I specifically wanted to prove that Pabavathi too is human. Most of the Brahmins treated women in a negative way. That influenced the Jataka author too. Kusa suffered for a long time just for the sake of Pabavathi. I don’t think a sensible woman would still mistreat such a man just because he is bad looking. Whatever person Kusa must have been, any sensible woman might feel pity for him. That’s human nature. I wanted to portray the human being in Pabavathi.”

“That’s so great.” Master said aloud, all of a sudden.

“I think that’s what we should do in literature. We must be able to remind the humanity in ourselves to the reader. You have to keep on reminding this. You know why?”

King was silent and others didn’t respond either.

“Because as humans, we tend to forget our own humanity.”

Through the window master and disciple could see both sunshine and drizzle. It was unchanging, at least for a while. The eve was full of allusions, disciple felt in the silence.

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