Daily News Online

Friday, 24 December 2010






Marriage Proposals
Government Gazette

Well done, Police

All kudos to the Police for arresting the suspects in the Rs 70 million HSBC robbery the largest local Bank heist in known history. Those arrested include the mastermind -an army deserter and a serving police officer. The HSBC van transporting the money in the wee hours to ATM machines was ambushed in a lonely stretch in Wanawasala. The incident took place in September and it is remarkable that the police were able to make a breakthrough in such a high profile case in such a short period.

It is also a feather in the cap of our police department that it has cracked open many such high profile cases in recent times. The latest is the arrest of a eleven member gang of robbers including three serving CID officers and two STF personnel by the Seeduwa Police. (The Government should seriously consider the threat posed by army deserters which according to latest reports number around 50,000, given the escalation of incidents of crime involving these elements).

This column at times have been hard on the Police Department for some of its unpardonable lapses. But these criticisms were made in the public interest. It is also true we have equally being quick to praise the local law enforcement when praise was due. This is one such occasion where the Police deserve all accolades and kudos showered on it.

This also shows that our Police Department could measure up to any challenge with the proper motivation and guidance. The spectacular arrests shows that there are resourceful and enterprising members of law enforcement authorities who are willing to go any length to fight crime - if only they are allowed a free hand.

The recent incident in Warakapola where two police officers paid with their lives during a hunt down for a band of killers shows the gallantry and valour of our men in khaki. There are similar men in the police force who are ready to make any sacrifice if only they are allowed to function without interference.

We say this because it is no secret today that on most occasions the hands of our law enforcement officers are tied due to various pressures brought to bear on them. This is one of the reasons why there is a general breakdown of law and order in the country.A good example is the burgeoning kasippu trade. It is common knowledge that most of the kasippu mudalalis are in cahoots with politicians and even top ranking police officers. That is why no significant dent has been made in the vast illicit liquor industry so far.

The latest detection shows that the police are upto it to handle any task large or small and rid the country of crime and vice if only they are not unduly pressurized by powerful quarters. What is most important is keeping the morale high of our law enforcement officers. There should not be any action taken by politicians or police top brass to undermine the morale of the rank and file. For instance today it is well known that when a criminal or other offender is taken into custody some petty politicians appear on his behalf to order his release. This not only demoralises those members of the service devoted to their duty but also kills initiative and enterprise, leading to inaction and a general paralysis of the Police adminstration. For no policemen with rare exceptions wants to be on the wrong side of powerful politicians. The result- the escalation of crime and vice and breaking of the law with impunity. Such action also is bound to cause a breakdown in discipline and undermine the law enforcement structure, with grave consequences.

It is time that this sate of affairs underwent a change if the country is to savour the real peace following the elimination of terrorism. It is also time that the police underwent a complete overhaul and equip itself as essentially a civilian law enforcement agency. We say this because the police assumed a militaristic outlook during the war years and functioned as an auxiliary to the regular armed forces in the demanding job of fighting terrorism.

Now that this situation is no more the police department should essentially revert to the status quo of concentrating on tackling local crime. No doubt the experience and combat training it received during the war years when it was placed in military mode would come in good stead in this endeavour.

It should also revert back to the ideals of the police service of the past where discipline and rectitude was the hallmark. In short the Police Department should reinvent itself as a public friendly Department shorn off its militaristic bearing of the recent past. IGP Mahinda Balasuriya ideally should enjoin his men to emulate the police of an earlier vintage where the khaki uniform evoked awe and respect among the general public.

Courageous President

One of the defects of my character is timidity. That must be why I have inordinate admiration for leaders with so much courage. Even as well-informed and intellectually sophisticated commentators on international affairs have been warning us,

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The Morning Inspection

The ‘inability’ and ‘ability’ elements of sharing

Twenty years ago, while a student in Cambridge, Massachusetts, I received a letter from a friend in Ampara. He wanted to buy a ‘Landmaster’, a hand-tractor. He had some money but was short of some Rs 20,000.

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Thinking CAP

National anthem should be the ‘National anthem’

National anthem of a country should represent its nationality, its originality and the characteristics that make it so special, apart and unique from other nations warranting it to be recognized and symbolized as a nation.

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