Crack down on quacks
With the advent of the
free economy the market began to be flooded with all types of
goods most of them not adhering to any standards and of dubious
origin. Among these were the various cosmetics and drugs,
lotions, creams all claiming to offer miracle solutions for
beauty enhancement and facelifts. These ranged from creams and
compounds to improve one’s complexion to those that offered to
cure skin related afflictions. There are still lotions in the
market claiming to cure baldness. Whether these claims were
authentic or not these products were vigorously advertised in
the media and the frequency of these advertisements indicated
booming sales.
Cashing in on this boom there were fraudsters who turned out
counterfeit products preying on the gullibility of the public.
Newspapers had been full of instances where fake products were
detected in the market with identical labelling and packaging as
the genuine product. Today more than any other time there is
large-scale counterfeiting of genuine products particularly in
the cosmetic field which has a ready market given the
sophisticated methods at the disposal of these unscrupulous
It is in this light that the decision taken by the Cosmetic
Devices and Drugs Regulatory Authority to permit in the market
only those products which are registered with the Authority,
should be welcomed. Authority Director Dr Hemantha Beneragama
has advised consumers to double check to ensure the product
carries its authorization. It has gone further and requested the
media too not to accept any advertisements of a product that do
not carry the Authority’s endorsement seal.
This in indeed is a good move, for the media had hitherto
been used by various parties liberally to promote their products
whether genuine or not. This is because the media being a
powerful medium it is easy to convince the people of the
authenticity of such products. Old timers will recall that the
media played a big part to disseminate the claim of a local
oracle of the efficacy of a concoction made of Vadakaha to
enhance one’s complexion during the solar eclipse of the 1950s.
Those dusky damsels needless to say consumed this concoction
with gusto only to see them beat a hasty retreat into their
toilets with acute bouts of diarrhoea.
This is to illustrate the gullibility of our people which
exist to this day. Preying on this weakness imposters and
charlatans have a field day foisting dubious products and
concoctions on an unsuspecting public. It is also a good thing
to have so-called indigenous cures too to be registered with the
Ayurvedic Medical Council given the various nostrums and
concoctions that are now circulating unchecked from the shelves
of the common Vedamahattaya operating in his way side shack to
the more respectable Ayurvedic pharmacies not to mention the
various Beheth Tel outlets. It is the villagers who are more
prone to fall prey to these gimmickry and they should be duly
advised on the new measures.
It would also be ideal if the Authority or a similar body
extend its campaign to cover those other products that adorn our
Super Market shelves. Some of these products widely advertised
in the media are of questionable quality and of dubious claim.
More often than not, they do not contain the ingredients and
inputs that are advertised on their labels. To begin with those
various fruit drinks that are attractively arrayed on the
shelves of these supermarkets contain only essence and colouring
which according to certain medical opinion carries a cancer
There are also other products such as processed meats that
contain questionable inputs which once led to fatal
consequences. A proper supervision is also needed to ensure that
frozen food are not kept in deep freezers for long periods as
they are liable to contamination that could lead to food
poisoning. Have any authority made a proper analysis of the
contents and what goes into such products. These and other
similar products are bound to vanish from the shelves of these
Supermarkets during the oncoming festive period given the
aggressive sales campaigns that are being carried out in the
media at present. Ideally this scrutiny should not only be
confined to cosmetics but cover all products particularly food
items where the risk is greater.
These food chains earn astronomical profits and it is the
duty of the authorities to ensure the public do not get a raw
deal. Their products too should be brought under the microscope
and made risk free to the public. In other countries all
products big or small are subject to rigorous scrutiny because
there are very active consumer lobbies in these countries who
will not stand for the public being fleeced by spurious
advertising gimmicks. A similar watchdog body is needed here too
to ensure quality standards are upheld. |