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Thursday, 16 September 2010






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America’s secret mission unveiled

Secret architecture of Washington DC revealed:

Book Review:

Combined with that background and studying and teaching at Columbia, Yale and Harvard universities, Dr Mendis recently unveiled the highly-guarded founding vision and commercial mission of the Founding Fathers of the United States in his latest book.

Endorsing his book, Commercial Providence: The Secret Destiny of the American Empire (2010), Senator Thomas Daschle, former US Senate Majority Leader, writes: “Inspired by the Founding Fathers and their vision, Patrick Mendis, an adopted Minnesotan, narrates America’s ancient hope, promise, and performance ... which is ingrained in the Constitution’s commerce clause and in symbols in the nation’s capital. Mendis’ own history resonates globally: similar to the Kenyan father of President Barack Obama, this former AFS exchange student from Sri Lanka married a white Minnesotan at the University of Minnesota over two decades ago... I recommend this book to you very enthusiastically.”

America’s secret, no more

Professor Mendis wrote this highly acclaimed book while serving as a visiting foreign policy scholar at Johns Hopkins University’s School of Advanced International Studies (SAIS). He puts forward a novel “Theory of Commercial Providence” and reveals the anatomy of America’s Special Providence and explains the commercial meaning expressed in the ancient symbols and the secret architectural design of Washington, DC. In the fictional narrative of The Lost Symbol, the best-seller author Dan Brown links both of these to Freemasons but Professor Mendis has an important scholarly reasoning with lesser-known American history.

In his foreword to the book, Professor Stephen Trachtenberg, former president of the George Washington University, notes: “By carefully examining the influence of Freemasonry on the Founding Fathers, Commercial Providence provides valuable insights for the student of history and the modern political leader alike... Unlike Dan Brown in the Lost Symbol, Patrick Mendis has a serious scholarly purpose.. and visitors (to Washington, DC) will find Commercial Providence an intriguing look at the origins of our American identity, seen through the eyes of the Founding Fathers and the Masonic Architect of the Universe.”

As a result of his far-reaching message, this book has gained a wider attention beyond political and academic leaders in America alone. After his lecture tour at major universities in China last year, Professor Mendis is known around the world as an expert on American foreign relations with unique perspectives.

Professor Shen Dingli, dean of Fudan University’s Institute of International Studies and the American Center, writes: His unique insight remains meaningful for contemporary America and the world.” As such, Akram Elias, past Masonic grandmaster of Washington, DC, and co-producer (with Academy Award winner Richard Dreyfuss) of Mr. Dreyfuss Goes to Washington, characterizes that “Professor Patrick Mendis is a mind-reader of the Founding Fathers, a judge of ancient symbols, a lover of his adopted country, and a seer of America’s secret destiny.”

Origin of the Theory

The Theory of Commercial Providence is directly linked to the Founding Fathers, especially George Washington and Benjamin Franklin-two of the most famous Freemasons. They collectively held an ancient belief that America’s Special Providence was associated with a more secular idea of God, i.e., what they called “Nature’s God.”

At the birth of the new nation, the founding generation maintained that “God (Providence) had favoured their undertakings,” or Annuit Coeptis, as shown on the Great Seal of the United States. These founding architects were building a monument to “Nature’s God” as they understood it when they designed the nation’s capital to correspond with three stars that form a celestial triangle in the sky above Washington, DC. Within this triangle lies the Virgo constellation, which had a great deal of symbolic importance to Masonic leaders like Washington, Franklin, Paul Revere, and others who had intimate knowledge of Freemasonry and esoteric symbolism.

In astrology, Virgo is ruled by Mercury, the Roman god of commerce, innovation and communication. The hope of these Founding Fathers, expressed in this symbolism, was that America would also be led by commerce, innovation and communication. Not only did the architects incorporate this astrological and esoteric knowledge into the architecture of the capital, but they also embedded this ideology within the U.S. Constitution by designing our nation as a “Commercial Republic” in which the Union was joined together through trade and commerce-not religion, as is frequently debated today.

This is where Professor Mendis’ integrative knowledge from Sri Lanka and the United States becomes more interesting and constructive. While he explored American ideas in his previous book, TRADE for PEACE, which had a greater impact on the American foreign policy community, his new book elaborates on these ideas and shows their greater relevance to understanding America’s founding vision and national identity - thereby broadening its appeal to various scholarly disciplines.

Professor Brian Atwood, former USAID administration under President Bill Clinton and current dean of the University of Minnesota’s Humphrey Institute of Public Affairs, writes in his foreword to the book: “Patrick Mendis is an award-winning alumnus of the Humphrey Institute and a protégé of the late NATO ambassador and president of the University of Hawaii Harlan Cleveland during his tenure as dean ... Mendis’ journey is a relevant one, from a mud house with water buffalos in Sri Lanka to working with the United Nations, the World Bank, and the US Government. Mendis’ personal experiences give him a unique perspective on America’s mission in the world.”

Dean Atwood further elaborates that “we share the experience of having been exchange students as part of the AFS Intercultural Program.

I now chair the Board of Trustees of this organization started by World War I ambulance drivers. Today, it is a partnership of some 60 countries with over 13,000 student participants.

More than 325,000 individuals and an equal number of host families have had the AFS experience. I was an exchange student in Luxembourg, while Mendis came to Minnesota to attend high school in 1978. He met his American wife, a former AFS exchange student from Minnesota to Japan, at a Humphrey Institute workshop taught by Harlan Cleveland.”

Global nation in action

Like President Barack Obama, Professor Patrick Mendis exemplifies the very nature of the United States as a global nation, which is manifested through Commercial Providence and E Pluribus Unum, “out of many, one.” To that end, the Theory of Commercial Providence is a masterful deciphering of the founding ideas and ideals shared by the Freemasons and their notion of Universal Brotherhood and symbolism, which has indelibly marked both the capital architecture and American national governance.

The book essentially decodes the secret architecture of our nation’s capital masterminded by the first president of the United States, and recognizes Washington, DC, as a “Masonic City” in which Egyptian and Greco-Roman symbols were used to signify America’s global mission.

While many secular symbols were incorporated into Washington, DC’s architecture, one interesting aspect of note is that there are no icons that sanctify Christianity - a glaring omission that has certainly led to a heyday for conspiracy theorists and Christian fundamentalists-where this exclusion further illustrates that the founding vision of America’s first leaders was to bind this nation together through symbols denoting commerce, not religion.

Professor Mendis, who once taught at the George Washington University and is an affiliate professor of public and international affairs at George Mason University, explains “the invisible attraction of commerce” over religion.

He then uncovers the “public secret” of Freemasonry in achieving Thomas Jefferson’s Empire of Liberty through Alexander Hamilton’s global strategy of trade, commerce and finance.

The Theory of Commercial Providence is an evidence-based exposition of historical and present-day symbolism that points to America’s secret destiny, as James Madison called the Universal Empire.

In my opinion, the originator of this Theory - and his journey “from a mud house with water buffalos” which ended in serving two American presidents - is a clear testament to the founding vision of the United States.

With much negativism and criticism within and outside the United States and Sri Lanka, America still inspires the world over as the beacon of hope - even for those who grew up in rice-fields in the far corners of the globe.

If you have any doubt about America, read this Sri Lankan-born American diplomat’s highly acclaimed book, Commercial Providence, for a taste of optimism that lacks within all of us as freedom-loving global citizens.

The writer majors in Asian Studies and minors in Religion and History at the George Washington University in Washington, DC, USA

Dr. Patrick Mendis

In his early childhood, Dr Patrick Mendis, took care of his water-buffaloes in a three-acre rice field, attended a Buddhist school, and served as an altar-boy at his Roman Catholic Church, built by his grandfather, in Polonnaruwa, the medieval capital of Sri Lanka.

All of this changed when he won one of the nine AFS (American Field Service) scholarships out of over 100,000 national applicants in Sri Lanka to study in the United States in 1978.

That summer the Sri Lankan village boy arrived at his AFS host family on a dairy farm with 500-acre cornfields in northern Minnesota.

A year later he earned his American diploma at Perham High School, became the fastest runner, and learned to ski on frozen lakes in Perham, the “City of 1000 Lakes.” After graduating with a first class honours degree from the University of Sri Jayewardenepura in the new capital, he returned to study at the University of Minnesota where he later taught for seven years. While at the university, he became involved in American politics.

Dr. Patrick Mendis also represented the Government of Sri Lanka at the United Nations as a “Youth Ambassador” before becoming an American citizen.

Dr Mendis began as a campaign volunteer in the Walter Mondale-Geraldine Ferraro presidential race and later in other congressional elections.

He also worked at the Minnesota House of Representatives and the US Senate Foreign Relations Committee in Washington, DC, before joining the US State Department to serve under the Clinton and Bush administrations.

Senator George Allen, Ronald Reagan presidential scholar and former governor of Virginia, describes his former foreign policy advisor this way: “When Patrick Mendis grew up in Sri Lanka, he dreamt about America and was inspired by great Virginians: James Madison, Thomas Jefferson, George Washington, and Patrick Henry. Patrick Mendis - now himself a proud Virginian - and former American diplomat and military professor, writes about ... the American destiny. Get to know this patriotic citizen.”


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