Daily News Online

Wednesday, 15 September 2010



Captivatingly beautiful

Jayani Pinnawela’s strokes:

Nature’s glory Oil-on-canvas

As delicate and pretty as the painter herself, Jayani Pinnawela’s brush rests upon her canvas to produce some wonderful impressions. She is an artist in no hurry which is why her art is very special. One has to visit an art gallery to understand the experience of being able to look at a painting close up.

Each painting reveals exactly the technique that Pinnawela had chosen to dabble with. She has mixed her paint miserly which is why they are not loud but very individualistic.

The canvas and priming used reveal how colours were opted, mixed and applied. Her signature is stamped no matter from which angle one looks at. She is not yet a professional in the sense but on her way to being one. There is no doubt about it.

There is one thing unique about her art which is a tranquil interlude denoting to the artist’s quiet and disciplined life. It is from such background and mental set-up that eventually the visions get based on canvas. Her art reflects serenity, simplicity, and individuality.

Jayani Pinnawela

No master seems to have influenced her although I saw a semblance of the Welsh artist, Sir Cedric Moris on her still-life in flowers. Pinnawela has rigidly maintained her own themes on colourisation. Naturally, she is aware of perspective, colour, light and shade. They are captivatingly beautiful.

Pinnawela embarked on her painting career when she participated in a joint exhibition in Rome. Thereafter, her solo exhibition was held in the Isle of Capri. After returning to Sri Lanka, continued with fervour and passion.

From a career diplomat and SL Administrative Officer, she had wide scope in her travel agenda to visit and study art in different countries. Though busy and a high profile woman, she never slept over her spare time but persued her passion to unearth her hidden talent. And where would a better place be rather than Italy that is no rich in her culture and the arts.

It was here that she took time to figure out her finer points in art. Italy and France are the leading countries to have produced iconic Masters, not to mention the famous French Impressionists.

Pinnawela keeps improving in her chosen art because what I saw recently at the Lionel Wendt Theatre is far advanced than last year’s exhibits. Pinnawela has not lost the quaint charm in her progress. She abides rigidly to what she thinks is best to adorn her canvas and being gentle on the palate in colour mix up.


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