Daily News Online

Wednesday, 15 September 2010



Globalization and contemporary literature

Globalization survives by controlling information flows and globalization has profound impact on the human populous as it controls the pathways of information, as such, in the context of this article we will specifically focus on the contemporary literature and media, and how globalization has affected them

The era of globalization is typically defined as a time in which the sovereignty of nation-states has declined and modes of exchange operate with increasing ease and speed across national boundaries of states.

Recent debate over globalization gives the notion that ‘whether it is myth or reality?’ this is due to the pace of economic transformation in which states are no longer close units, modes of advanced communications have changed to unexpected proportions.

The overwhelmingly magnetic global culture which emanates from Hollywood, gives way to the formation of a homogeneous world where time and space seem to be breaking up above all global polity which controls present world.

All this paved way to the cosmopolitan culture which is the ‘trendy’ and the ‘affluent’, as well as paving way to ‘risk taking’ – which is against the traditional conservative approaches.

If you look at the impact of globalization over societies is manifold. What obvious is that political, economic, cultural and social events become more and more interconnected, and as such, they have more impact on the social dynamics, both positively and negatively.

One of the aspects which is quite painfully obvious and inherent are globalization ‘the phenomenon’ domineeringly controls the global economic system.

But, what is inherent, yet of very high influence on the society is that (‘the phenomenon’) in controlling the flow of funds also exercises brutish and dictatorial control over the flow of information and, as such, one can argue that by controlling the information, globalization survives and evolves into the most influential and domineering control mechanism of the global system.

Positive and negative implication of globalization over literature and mass media are quite shocking especially use and abuse of WWW. Recent statistics show 4.2 M Websites are containing pornography and 42.7 percent users of the WWW are pornographic viewers in the world.

If you look at the influence of mirror news agencies with regard to their perspectives of war and conflict; whether they maintain neutrality is still debatable. Martin Bell in his seminal work Through Gates of Fire stated that an important element of modern warfare is the management of perceptions.

Writing in general has changed dramatically. On one hand publishing industry has become captive of multinationals but on the other hand WWW & Blogs provide radical and independent venue(s) to writers. Furthermore, new trend cut and paste which is ‘plague’ of plagiarism has ebbed the writing skill of people.

If you look at the present scenario, the ways by which we transfer information have changed, so if the ways and modes change, will that reflect on literature? If the ways by which we transfer information are changed, then obviously the literary forms will change.

For example, from the time immemorial, the ritualistic story-telling activities of the prehistoric and ancient human societies gave way to scriptures ‘ola’ leaf manuscripts then, thanks to Gutenberg for paper, publishing and books, Paper freedom allowed people started to write but, publishing is a problem still.

But with an advent of the WWW the act of publishing, one’s writing is only at the distance of a mouse click. This has given more freedom to the writers but, is freedom in this regard good or bad? Could it lead to fabrications and misinterpretations?

An extremely toxic by-product of globalization’s effect on mass-media is ‘The Paparazzi’. Some irresponsible media have ruined many lives and organizations. For example, the Paparazzi chasing Princess Diana – leading to her death… by car accident! Singer Michael Jackson’s (MJ) public as well as personal life created and ruined (alike) by the Paparazzi. We cannot inference just because it is published on the WWW or telecasted via the media does not make it factual or actual. So, ‘the new freedom’ given to literature and mass-media via the globalization phenomenon is not that good.

Some speculations on how globalization might shape new literary forms, the cellular phones which have created mayhem in the recent past in Sri Lanka, still texting can this evolve to the proportions of a new form of literature while considering now that cell phones provide the venue to text in local languages.

The “Bloggers’ World” is expanding and evolving and what could be its next phase of development? TV, Radio and the print media are also available on the WWW. As such, there are no clearly defined boundaries between types of media forms and the boundaries are being shattered and are dissolving.

Boundaries which were clearly defined in previous times - between literary forms and mass-media types become fuzzy as globalization imparts its influence which, probably will lead to a new form of global literature “globallit” However the downfalls of “globallit” may be question of integrity of information presented, lack of coordinated control mechanisms, lack of uniformity, many formats and diversity leading to confusion etc.

To conclude, globalization is the domineering and controlling force of all global process via finance. This is possible through, how this phenomenon of globalization impacts on the transfer and flow of information/knowledge.

As such, the impacts of globalization on the mass-media and literature are quite obvious. This is leading to an evolution of mass-media forms and literary forms towards completely new frontiers where, the unexpected is always to be expected and, unless a coordinated control mechanism is not available, this situation might cause calamity and chaos!


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