Daily News Online

Thursday, 29 July 2010






Marriage Proposals
Government Gazette








Childhood obesity and health

Childhood obesity occurs when a child is well above the normal weight for his or her age and height. Childhood obesity is burning issue in urban sector which causes serious health conditions that affects children and adolescents. Studies show that in Colombo, most children are overweight.

Childhood obesity can have complications on the physical, social and emotional well being of the child. When a child is obese it may lend to serious disease conditions such as diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol levels in the adulthood. In the society also child may face problems. It leads to psychological problems as low self-esteem, depression, behaviourial and learning problems.

Parents think that chubby and fat child is healthy and a thin child is weak. It is the other way round. Nutritional status of the child is important whether child is fat or thin.

There are a number of factors that causes childhood obesity. Initially it may be due to genetic factor. When the mother or father is obese there are much more chances to the child to become obese.

The family's eating pattern also affects the child. Regularly eating high caloric foods such as fast foods, baked foods and snacks, can easily cause the child to gain weight. Having more soft drinks and food like candy, desserts and frequently eating foods which are high in sugar, fat and calories contributes much for the weight gain.

Children who don't do enough physical activities are more likely to gain weight because they don't burn calories through activities. Nowadays inactive leisure activities such as watching television or playing video games are increased especially in urban areas. These factors negatively affect the health of the child.

Parents should consider on the above factors which work in combination and increase the child's risk of becoming overweight. Because children mainly depend on parents for their meals, they can easily alter the meal.

The meal should be balanced in nutrients such as carbohydrates, proteins, fat, fibre, vitamins and minerals. This can be easily achieved by having variety of foods as cereals, pulses, vegetables, fruits, meat, milk and milk products. But sugar and fat should be taken sparingly. The changes can be started at buying groceries. It is better to choose fruits, vegetables and healthy snacks such as sandwiches with egg and vegetables. Instead of sweetened beverages can have fresh fruits or fruit juice.

Sweetened beverages provide little nutritional value in exchange for their high calories. As parents there are several steps that can be taken are, understand child's food preferences, teach children about nutrition and encourage them to try a wide variety of foods. It is not necessary to skip the meals to become thin but limit the frequency of earning snacks. Parents can monitor what the child taken in for meals by having family meals. It gives better environment, time to chat and share the feelings.

Not only the nutrition but also the health practices as exercise affect the body weight. Regular physical activities burn calories as well as builds strong bones and muscles. Free play activities such as playing hide and seek, tag or jump rope, cycling, swimming which are preferred by children can be great for burning calories and improving fitness. If the child likes some other activities try to make it more active and fun.

An easy way to increase the child's activity level is to limit the number of hours he or she is allowed to watch television and play video and computer games each day. Eating in front of the TV may make it difficult to pay attention to feelings of fullness and may lead to over eating. The parents should be active to make their child active. Peaceful mentality of child is also important to be healthy.

Childhood obesity directly threatens the health of person leading him not to be as productive as others in the society. In the future it affects the economy of the person as well as the country.

"Active, healthy children are, more likely to become fit adults".

G Tharshini

Wayamba University of Sri Lanka

Makandura (UWP)

Felicitation to Murali

Cynosure the dark Lion from Sri Lanka
Ready to capture the white man
Who is at the crease
Having a safety wooden bar in his hand
Tossed the ball and took the run
Uprooted the middle stump in the first spel
White man was caught
Back to the pavilion for nought
All the white men who faced
Demolished by the spinning ball
How wonderful was his bowling
Murali was a National Wealth.

- Wijeratne Dahigamuwa

Pension scales before and after year 2006

After waiting patiently till the elections were over with the people, both young and old giving an incredible mandate to the Rajapaksa Government, we place before you with a sense of hope that at least now, you would give priority to a class of people who have worked hard to build a nation of citizens with honesty and integrity, sense of gratitude and hard work which we sadly miss in present society.

We firmly believed that imparting book knowledge, covering syllabuses within the four walls of the classroom was not the main criteria of a teacher.

Classes in poetry, drama and practical language lessons were conducted in the open air giving the children opportunities to ponder the mysteries of birds, bees, sun and flowers while enjoying the fresh and natural breezes of the environment, thus making education a pleasure than a drudgery and more meaningful to the child.

To be honourable at all times, to be gentle with the gentle, to be patient with the tough and to appreciate the good of others were strongly instilled in them.

Our love to the children was boundless and immeasurable and they grew up with these valuable ideals to make this nation a country worth living and we all lived in peace and not in pieces. As principals and teachers we worked tirelessly to produce people of good calibre.

As pensioners we have suffered in silence for many years and hope that tomorrow will be better than today. We continue to live in expectation!

May this be a wake-up call to resolve our grievances and allow us to spend the evening of our lives in greater comfort and happiness.


Electricity tariffs fuel adjustment charge

The FAC of 20 percent imposed on all units consumed by electricity consumers except for domestic and religious premises and charitable institutions who consumed less than 90 units per month was increased to 30 percent with the tariff revision which came into effect on March 15, 2008 due to the rise in fuel prices.

This rate became applicable even under the revised tariff and charges effective from November 1, 2008 except for the categories given below.
(1) Domestic consumers who consume 90 units or less per 30 day billing period.
(2) All religious premises and charitable institutions.

With the reduced fuel prices announced in November, 2008 in the Budget proposals for 2009 the FAC was reduced to 15 percent for a period of one year for tourist hotels and industries but subsequently waived off with effect from January 1, 2009. The fuel prices were further reduced later.

As Power and Energy Ministry is to submit a proposal to the Public Utility Commission to look into the possibility of reducing electricity prices to benefit consumers, as one such aspect wish to request the Minister/Ministry and the PUC to consider to waive the FAC in respect of domestic consumers as well who are liable for FAC and if not to bring down the rate to 15 percent or at least revert to the earlier rate of 20 percent as it will have a far reaching impact on their Cost of Living.

H W Gunesekera - Panadura

School rugger

In the context of the 'St Peter's - Isipathana no decision' one wonders whether schools are playing Rugger because of the game or because of other factors.

Recently I was told that a certain school-playing Rugger has banned the boys from eating any food outside except what is given by the school. This is like training horses for the Epsom Derby.

A principal of a school a few years ago made it very clear that the boys are sent to school to study. Perhaps Rugger is only a part of school life.

In the 1960s I remember walking to Longden Place to see the Colombo leg of the Bradby. Today it is not the school that matters but the past students and the sponsors.

Now I can understand the loss of values in our society. We need to get back to the society that we were with good values.


Ward par excellence at Kalubowila

Whole of last month ward number 33 of the Kalubowila Hospital became my second home as someone who is close to me was warded there for residential treatment.

Right from the beginning we noticed a very professional approach coupled with a homely atmosphere to make all the patients comfortable and relaxed to start the healing process from their respective mental and physiological ailments.

It is noteworthy to observe the ways in which the staff speaks to the patients and their kith and kin winning their confidence that they are capable of facilitating the healing process of their friends and relations.

This staff is well trained to use the body language, expressions etc. to encourage the patients and the concerned people to go through the time of anxiety that they are faced with.

With my personal experience with the hospitals of this nature in the county of Kent in the UK, I could notice how much planning has gone into create this hospital very much parallel to the physiology of the above mentioned hospitals in the UK. Even the very building is very much similar to one of the hospitals in Kent.

I strongly believe that this sort of efforts should be appreciated and encouraged to get the best out of this team and to influence other medical institutions to follow the good example sustained by these professionals.

Rev Keerthisiri Fernando

Diocese of Colombo

Kandy gets Rs 300 m for road development

I was delighted to read the above article in the Daily News of July 26. It is a great move as roads in the indicated areas are in a very bad state of disrepair. However I would like to ask the Highways and Transportation Minister to formulate a Sri Lankan standard for road construction (if there isn't one already) and make sure all contractors and sub contractors and public works authorities stick by the standards.

In the past we have seen many sub contractors do quick shoddy work to earn a fast buck and the roads get washed away in the first monsoonal rain.

This money will be a waste if the same thing happens again. It's high time we think of lasting good quality work that will save money in the long run and will make our roads safer.

Roshan Dodanwela - Kandy



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