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Thursday, 27 May 2010






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Vesak reflections

Today, Buddhists in Sri Lanka and all parts of the world are celebrating Vesak, which marks the Birth, Enlightenment and the Passing Away (Parinibbana) of the Buddha. It is the most important day in the Buddhist calendar.

This year's Vesak festival is even more significant for Sri Lankan Buddhists, as this is practically the first time that Vesak is being celebrated in complete freedom and tranquillity in our country. Today, Buddhist shrines all parts of the country including those in the North and the East are freely accessible to all devotees. Northerners and Easterners are joining in the Vesak celebrations with their Southern brethren after 30 long years. The Buddhist Flag, seen everywhere during Vesak, also turns 125 years this year, adding to the significance of Vesak.

Thus Vesak this year is most appropriate for spreading the message of peace and reconciliation, the need of the hour. Today, the Nation is at a crossroads, having opted for unity and peace instead of discord and rancour. We have the Herculean task of rebuilding the Nation ahead of us. And the Buddha Dhamma offers ample guidance for such a process of healing and rebuilding of trust among all our peoples.

The Buddha during one of His visits to our island settled a dispute between two factions, stressing the importance of peace. His message of peace resonates to this day, for His words are immortal and timeless. The Buddha advocated compassion for all beings, human and animal and enunciated that hatred does not cease by hatred, but by love.

Indeed, these are moral values that our society has lost sight of in the relentless pursuit of material wealth. This is not surprising in a highly commercialized world, where money is generally regarded as 'everything'. In fact, the Vesak festival itself is commercialized to such an extent that many have forgotten its very purpose and foundation. We see the glitter and glamour in the illuminations, the pandals but fail to turn the light inwards to our inner selves with a view to purifying our thoughts, words and deeds. We should see beyond the decorations and strive to understand the Buddha Dhamma and how it relates to our day-to-day lives.

The Buddha exhorted that affinity towards material things leads to constant suffering through Samsara. The Four Noble Truths and the Eight Fold Path espoused by the Buddha point the way towards a permanent end to this suffering - Nirvana, the State of Supreme Bliss. "Do not follow a life of evil; do not live heedlessly; do not have false views; do not value worldly things. In this way one can get rid of suffering." (Lokavagga, The Dhammapada).

While this is the ultimate goal of every Buddhist, it would be wrong to assume that Buddhism is a very complicated philosophy that offers nothing for our lay lives. The Buddha had plenty of advice to offer for lay persons who want to lead to pious lives in their Samsaric journey. He made it clear that inner peace or cleansing the mind was the first step in this endeavour. "The mind is hard to check. It is swift and wanders at will. To control it is good. A controlled mind is conducive to happiness." (Chitta Vagga, The Dhammapada). Thus thoughts of peace and compassion should emanate from the mind at all times and a Nation that collectively engages in this exercise will see peace and unity.

Vesak has always been, and always will be, a time for unity. It is not only Buddhists who take part in Vesak activities. It is truly a national event where the whole country comes together as one. Many Vesak dansalas, pandals and decorations are put up by organizations headed by non-Buddhists. Singers from all communities join hands to sing devotional songs for Vesak. In fact, some of the most well-known Buddhist songs, played repeatedly on radio stations during Vesak, have been performed by non-Buddhists. Non-Buddhists help their Buddhist neighbours with their Vesak decorations. Such religious and communal unity is vital to the development of our country and Vesak is an occasion which reinforces these bonds. This is in accordance with the teachings of the Enlightened One, who advised His followers to respect other religions and their views.

Vesak, the Holiest Day for Buddhists, gives them another opportunity to begin life anew by adhering firmly to the Dhamma. "He who practises the Dhamma abides in happiness with mind pacified; the wise man ever delights in the Dhamma." (Pandithavagga, The Dhammapada). The Dhamma has shown us how to lead fulfilled, pious lives without contaminating our minds with evil thoughts. Our Nation too is making a new start after three decades of bloodshed. Now, more than ever, there is a need to heal the wounds of conflict through love and compassion. There certainly is no better way than following the eternal words of the Buddha to achieve this noble objective.

Moment to moment awareness

Man is the greatest. He is responsible for his every moment of living. He belongs to himself. Man creates his own idea of self. Man himself is greater than any idea which he may invent.

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The Morning Inspection

Two hundred thousand words later...

There are times when a man takes stock. He looks back at the road taken, reflects on the million what-ifs along those other roads that were not taken; either by choice or circumstances, due to knowledge or out of ignorance; and says 'hmmm...ok'. Or perhaps something profound. Or else it's all just such a blur or is so bland that one reflects, blinks and moves on.

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PARALLEL Perspectives

Preserving Sri Lanka’s rich biodiversity

We observed International Biodiversity Day on May 22 and this year is also named as International Year of Biodiversity, with the theme `Biodiversity for Development’. In 1992, the Biodiversity Convention that emerged from the Earth Summit at Rio de Janeiro was seen as a sea change in our attitudes towards biodiversity.

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