Need for new methods
Agriculture plays a pivotal role in the economic
development. Encouraging youth to take to agriculture, introducing
new produce purchasing system and developing public-private
partnership will be the key areas in the agriculture development
agenda, Agriculture Minister Mahinda Yapa Abeywardane said.
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The Morning Inspection
Shall we say ‘Thank You’ to the public sector?
Some of this is true, however. The public sector
has a lot of dead-weight. There are inefficiencies. Corruption. Like
the private sector, one might add. Still, there are redeeming
features of the public sector that these ‘Restructurists’ will
either footnote or be silent about in abject deference to the
masters of restructuring in the World Bank and IMF.
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On My Watch
ICG: Mouthpiece of the vendors of terror
The anniversary of the defeat of the LTTE came
earlier this week, and true to form the International Crisis Group (ICG)
came out with its report on Sri Lanka and Channel 4 had another
“exposure” of what is alleged to be war crimes and violations of
International Humanitarian Law in the military operations to defeat
the LTTE.
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