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Government Gazette

President invites all :

Come with me on a new journey

President Mahinda Rajapaksa yesterday invited all to set aside petty differences and embark on a new journey with him (after obtaining a second successive mandate from the people on January 27), to lead Sri Lanka towards a brighter future. “The people don’t desire differences, hate politics, separatism.

What they need is rapid development, lasting peace, disciplined and a law abiding and educated society, a prosperous and united country,” he said.

“Join hands with me to propagate these noble goals through the successful implementation of Mahinda Chinthana - vision towards a new Sri Lanka and its recent progression. Let’s embark on this journey together to complete the task 100 percent” he said addressing a massive public gathering at Kantale.

President Rajapaksa also noted that he had used his four decades of political experience to secure the victory of the country and to protect the country from various international and local conspiracies.

Now you all live without fear or doubt.

Terrorism which plagued the nation is over. Hereafter we would never allow the ugly head of terrorism to rise again,” he said.

“The people of this land entrusted me with the task of freeing the country from terrorism and I won their confidence by fulfilling what was expected of me,” he added.

The President stressed that he will never breach the trust placed by the people in him under any circumstances.

President Rajapaksa pointed out to the large gathering that he had initiated mega development programs in the country even while the war was proceeding.

Now with the dawn of peace he assured the audience that he will work to achieve the best living standards for the country. “We have initiated the construction of five harbours, airports, roads, electricity generation projects etc. for the benefit of you and your children. Now investments are flowing into the country and new employment avenues are been generated. We have taken steps to distribute equal resources throughout the country.

A quality and all round education for all has been assured, he said.

What I want is a secure and a brighter future for your children. I want them to be world beaters. I want them to compete with the best in the global arena” the President said underlining his responsibility and intentions of leading the younger generation on the correct path. Addressing the eastern masses, the President emphasized that the troubled region due to past LTTE atrocities was destined for unprecedented development.

“No one can reverse the march of the east towards development and glory” he added. The President also cautioned the gathering to be aware about certain recent developments in the political arena in which some elements were attempting to sow seeds of division with the use of false propaganda and secret pacts to gain petty political mileage.

He also observed that confrontational politics should end and asserted that no one had the right to spread hatred and violence, at a time when attempts were underway to build a society embedded with moral ethics. The President said, in the east, certain disruptive elements were now spreading rumours regarding the ownership of lands and assured the eastern public that their lands were safe.

“I have no doubt that the people would give a proper answer to these conspirators and defeat these secret pacts on January 26. What we need is peace. We would not allow the law of the jungle to reign again” he added.

To the cheering masses the President said “For this purpose Betel Leaf is your symbol the symbol of victory. Ensure that it triumphs on January 26.

During the event one of the oldest members of the United National Party former MP for Trincomalee district H.D.L. Leelarathne extended his support to the President.

Making a moving speech thereafter the UNP veteran said he had come forward to strengthen the hand of the President as he had given the people of the area their long desired freedom.

“Earlier people of these areas were gripped by a fear psychosis due to the atrocities of terrorists. Their normal day to day life was disrupted with constant threats,” he said.

“In this backdrop when President Rajapaksa came to power in 2005 he gave a pledge that he would eradicate this scourge and he successfully did. Thus as grateful citizens we have an obligation to strengthen his hands at a time he is seeking a second successful mandate to build on the hard earned victories,” he added.

A number of Ministers and local politicians of the area also spoke.



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