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The missing dimension in two global summits Part III:

Harnessing a better future for all

The resources of the world are destined for the whole of humanity. The absence of a fair distribution of land among the peoples leads to the death of millions due to hunger in a world of plenty and of waste.

The migration of peoples from the East to the West and South to the North will somewhat reduce imbalance but it will not solve it. More radical solutions are

Harnessing lands and crops for better output

required, that distributes the land without people to the peoples without lands. This has to take place in the coming decade in a planned and a peaceful manner respecting the cultures and ways of life’s of different people.

For this to take place, there has to be a world authority that is inspired by the principles of global justice and has the authority and power to enforce such measures. For this to come about by peaceful means there has to be a transformation of the mindsets of the citizens of the world and a consciousness of global civil society concerned about a fundamental change in the educational policy throughout the world, in the message given by the mass media and above all by the influence of the religions, hopefully taking a common approach in terms of their core-values of justice, freedom, truth and sharing.

This is a special responsibility of the Christians because they helped to bring about the system, secondly they are benefiting from it and they are widespread throughout the world and have the means of global communication.

More serious consideration has to be given to the teachings of the leaders and founders of religions that urge the sharing the earth resources for the common good of all humanity.

This is also the central message of Jesus Christ and should lead to the transformation of the churches to be active agents in this global process.

As Pope Benedict XVI told world leaders at a summit on food security in November 2009 at FAO headquarters in Rome :opulence and waste are unacceptable especially when hunger — the cruelest form of poverty — continues to rise,

The Vatican spokesman , Fr. Lombardi, referred to a sentence from the encyclical “Caritas in Veritate” (n. 27): “It is therefore necessary to cultivate a public conscience that considers food and access to water as universal rights of all human beings, without distinction or discrimination. “The Pope” highlights the fact that the right to food is essential to guarantee the very right that is first among all, the right to life. because one either dies from hunger or thirst, or if one does not die one lives only half a life.”

“It is evident that the principal way to address the problem and foster agricultural development in the poorest countries, is to involve the local communities as much as possible, putting ‘the human person at the center of development,’” added Father Lombardi, quoting the Pope’s encyclical.

“However, it will then be necessary to act in consequence. If not, the number of those dead by famine will increase again.” (Zenit)

The head of the U.N. Food and Agriculture Organization told the Synod of Bishops for Africa the teachings of the Catholic Church and of Islam urge believers to manage resources wisely, providing for the poorest and avoiding all waste and excess.

It is also necessary that citizens groups develop the methods of nonviolence to bring about a social change that leads to a strengthening of international justice and limiting the concept of national sovereignty.

A new order of international justice would have to been set up with means of checking the arbitrary use of power by groups of nation states.

A new spirituality will have to be developed that goes beyond mere charity to implementing justice at the different levels, local, national and global. Global alliances of the citizens groups will have to be formed to help in the process of re-distribution of people and the lands of the world.

Such a process can also help in meeting the problems of climate change and hopefully ensure a better future for the whole of humanity.



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