US doctors call for health care reform
US: The 100 doctors in white coats at a rally in Washington
did not dispute that there should be health care reform in the United
There has to be reform, they said, but President Barack Obama and
Congress are going about it ham-fistedly and have picked the wrong bad
"The American health care system is sick, but it's not the
physician's fault," Richard Chudacoff, a gynecologist from Nevada who
was one of the organizers of the rally, said. "It's the administration
of health care that is sick," he added.
Many of the doctors at the rally pointed to two chief causes of US
health care's ills: the insurance industry and malpractice lawsuits.
Kevin Smith told AFP he was forced "for economic reasons" to stop
doing many of the medically necessary ear, nose and throat procedures he
is qualified to do at his practice in Texas, in favor of plastic
Washington, Sunday, AFP |