National mathematics and science olympiad
The selection test for admission to training pools for National
Mathematics and Science Junior Olympiad Tournament 2009 will be held on
May 16 from 9.00 a.m. as per details given below:
Province Minimum Marks Exam Centre
Central 148 St. Joseph's Girls College, Gampola
Eastern 144 Mahajana College, Batticaloa
R.K.N. Hindu Vidyalaya, Trincomalee
Al-Ashrak National School, Ninthavur
North 143 C.C.T.M.S., Vavuniya
Jaffna Hindu College, Jaffna
North Central 140 Anuradhapura Central College, Anuradhapura
Wayamba 151 Maliyadewa Balika Vidyalaya, Kurunegala
Sabaragamuwa 148 Fergason Girls High School, Ratnapura
South 153 Southland Balika Vidyalaya, Fort, Galle
Uva 142 Badulla Central College, Badulla
Western 158 C.W.W. Kannangara Vidyalaya, Borella
Those students who have obtained the above minimum marks or above
from the relevant province are eligible to sit for this test. They have
already been informed. Any student who has not received the admission
card may be allowed to sit for this exam, subject to his/her producing a
photo certifying his/her identity from the principal along with a letter
certifying the marks obtained at the year-5 examination.