Development work in Pitabeddara DS underway
Theja Vidyarupa Akuressa Group correspondent
Preliminary work on the development of the Ambewila Village in the
Pitabeddara Divisional Secretariat area is now under way by the Southern
Development Authority under the Jathika Saviya Gama Neguma programme.
Providing more infrastructure facilities, three roads, Ambewila-
Panasnawaya Kanda-Banagala Panasnawaya Kanda-Dammala and Urapola Kanda
are to be concreted at a cost of Rs. 850,000. Already 18 houses are
constructed for the low income families selected from the village.
Spending Rs. 6 lakhs a Jana Sabha Secretariat and a community hall is
constructed with assistance of villages for Rs. 600,000.
Under the economy growth programme 25 acres of tea smallholdings
attached to 50 beneficiaries will be rehabilitated spending Rs. 250,000.
Api Wawamu-Raja Nagamu home gardening was also launched improving 20
home gardens. A coconut rehabilitation programme is to be launched by
the SDA soon. |