When Gandhi was an honoured guest in Sri Lanka
The 139th birth anniversary of Father of India, Mahatma Gandhi falls
on October 2. Mohandas Karamachand Gandhi was born in October 1869 to
Hindu orthodox parents in Borpandar.
He was the fourth child in the family, of the merchant caste in
Gujarat. His marriage to Kasturbai took place when he was a child. Child
marriage though misunderstood and ridiculed and now legally banned had
its own value then. Gandhis father who was Prime Minister of a small
princely State sent him to England to study Law. Although he was
mediocre in school he was resolute in his ways. Gandhi passed the
matriculation examination in 1887 at the age of 18 and with the
financial assistance of his brother proceeded to England and having
passed his law finals was called to the Bar in England on June 10, 1891
and was enroled as a Barrister in the High Court of England. There is a
question remaining unanswered about Mahatma Gandhi’s life. Was he a born
leader or did time thrust it upon him? Due to the humiliation,
sufferings and oppression he and his countrymen were subjected to by
British Imperialists he became resolute in his stand to free India from
the yoke of English hegemony. Gandhi appeared on the political scene in
1915 adoringly and reverentially hailed as the Father of the Nation. He
played a very important and crucial role in India attaining independence
in August 1947. The briefless Barrister as he was once called at the
time of his journey to South Africa he had a special role to play in the
He was
impressed with our national leaders, their integrity and
political acumen. Gandhi was much surprised of our nations
yearning for freedom through non violent means and to relieve
the country from imperialist oppressions. |
He returned to India at a time when the country in general and the
Indian National Congress in particular needed very much his valued
guidance, wise counsel and astute leadership. He did not fail the party
nor the country. Gandhi was saturated with the best that was in
Hinduism, and he gave life to some of the teachings that were buried in
the Vedas. His great Hindu spirit cut its way through the forest of
words meaningless words, which had overlaid the golden truth that was in
the vedas. He made some of the words in the vedas yield a meaning to
which the men of his generation were strangers, and he found in India
the most congenial soil.
In the 1920’s Mahatma Gandhi proclaimed himself a Buddhist saying
that Buddhism was rooted in Hinduism and represented its essence.
Mahatma Gandhi visited Sri Lanka in 1927 as an honoured guest of our
land and had no hesitation in declaring that he was a Buddhist because
he saw Buddhism as cleansed Hinduism. In a speech at the YMBA Gandhi
said that what Buddha had done was to introduce a living reformation in
the petrified faith that surrounded him. Mahatma Gandhi was one who
tortured himself physically through fasts to off set the sinister plans
of the Britishers to continue their dominance over the Indians. As a
leader until the bullets from the assassin gun snatched his life he led
India alone. He unified the diverse forces in India into one.
He rescued the Indians from the clutchess of British slavery and gave
them a new lease of life. In a speech delivered at the renowned Buddhist
Vidyodaya university in Colombo, Gandhi said that it was his deliberate
opinion that the essential parts of the teachings of the Buddha formed
an integral part of Hinduism. By his immense sacrifice, by his great
renunciation and the immaculate purity of his life he left behind an
indelible impress upon Hinduism, so Gandhi said of the Buddha and
Hinduism owes an eternal gratitude to that great teacher, he said. By
visiting Sri Lanka Gandhi felt a profound respect for its people and
admired the scenic beauty of the landscape.
He was impressed with our national leaders, their integrity and
political acumen. Gandhi was much surprised of our nations yearning for
freedom through non violent
means and to relieve the country from imperialist oppressions. Perhaps
he may have felt jealous of the Sri Lankan peasantry as they were much
informed and educated on matters of importance unlike the Indian
peasantry. Gandhi admired their literacy, their keen intention to raise
productivity to satisfy the local needs and the aspirations of the
people. Gandhi said, It is my fixed opinion that Buddhism or rather the
teachings of the Buddha found its full fruition in India and it could
not be otherwise for Gautama was himself a Hindu of Hindus. Gandhi led a
life of purity. He was a saint in his own way. Simple living and high
thinking were the true hall marks of his life.
Though he is no more in his mortal frame his spirit howers all over
the mountains, valleys and fields. He remains the guardian angel of
India particularly to those downtrodden the oppressed and the depressed.
His spirit continues to govern and lead the men of his generation of
politicians and that is why India has not disintegrated. Gandhi decried
the pervasive drinking habit in Sri Lanka especially among the poor and
said that it was opposed to the spirit of all religions most decidedly
Buddhism. This was said during the contemplative era of the Temperance
movement in Ceylon. Gandhi further said that he did not know what the
position in Sri Lanka was but he knew that in Burma the Buddhists would
not kill animals. On November 19th 1927 visiting Badulla Gandhi said
that he was pained to hear that even some Buddhists observed the curse
of untouchability and that untouchable women were forbidden to wear
upper garments.
If you believe in untouchability you totally deny the teaching of the
Buddha, said Gandhi. On June 22nd 1927 addressing the Ceylon National
Congress Gandhi deplored the way communalism was being promoted in Sri
Lanka. Gandhi was disturbed by the deep rooted Westernisation that he
saw in Sri Lanka and said that it should be eschewed because it created
divisions among the people. In a speech at Mahinda college Galle Gandhi
said that he was certain that the children of the nation who receive
instruction in a tongue other than their own commits suicide.
It robs them of their birth right, he said. In a speech delivered at
a meeting of Indians in Jaffna Gandhi said that he wished Sri Lanka
would be an improved version of India which had fallen on bad times. Sri
Lanka should be the model for India. Gandhi resolved to destroy white
supremacy. He was determined to drive the whites out of India. He
demonstrated an extraordinary patience and tolerance towards all the
inhuman degrading and at times cruel treatment meted out to him and his
followers by the English masters. Mahatma Gandhi adopted non violence as
the means to achieve peace. At the beginning even most of the Indians
could not agree with him.
Britishers ridiculed his approach. They never knew that Dharma was
more powerful than their guns and bullets. Gandhi left the shores of Sri
Lanka after his much honoured visit a changed man in thought regarding
India’s Southern neighbour Sri Lanka. His departing sentiments as all
Sri Lankans learned were; communalism is totally opposed to nationalism.
Sri Lanka would never get genuine self government unless all the
communities speak with one voice and not merely as Christians, Muslims,
Buddhists, Hindus, Sinhalese, Tamils and Malays.
On January 30, 1948 just two days before Sri Lanka received
Independence from the British rule Gandhi who preached non violence as
his weapon to achieve freedom from the shackles of colonial masters to
India was shot dead by Nathuram Vinayak godse a religious fanatic. Not
only the whole of India but also neighbouring Sri Lanka felt grief at
the snatching away of this great soul the Mahatma whose life did inspire
and influence many of our Asian leaders and our country and our leaders. |