Compulsory age verification for young marriages
Nadira Gunatilleke
Child Development and Women’s Empowerment Minister Sumedha G.
Jayasena will shortly obtain Cabinet approval to make it compulsory for
accurate certification of age for young couples seeking marriage. This
will be done to prevent child marriages, a Ministry spokesman said.
He said once Cabinet approval is received, it will be compulsory for
marriage registrars to check the age of young couples before they enter
wedlock by examining their birth certificates and the National Identity
According to the spokesman there are a large number of children under
the age of 18 who get married producing false ages without the consent
of their parents while some parents give off underage children in
marriage by force.
This results in both children and their parents wasting their time
attending court proceedings.
Giving female children in marriage producing a false age is very
common practice in Sri Lanka and this has caused several problems for
both the children and parents.
Child/teenage pregnancies, maternal deaths, malnutrition and several
other health and social problems arise due to this situation. The
proposal will mainly focus on protecting child brides, he added. |