President ready to talk with LTTE if it lays down arms - Minister
KOTTE: President Mahinda Rajapakse has repeatedly declared
that he would be ready to start negotiations sooner the LTTE puts down
arms, said Minister Dr Rajitha Senarathne in Parliament last Thursday.
Minister Senarathne in his speech said.
Today we are discussing a sort of tragedy faced by the Tamil people,
according to our Tamil Members of Parliament as a priority item. The
first news we got was that 45 bus loads of Tamils were forcebly evicted
from Colombo.
Some people alleged that kidney and cancer patients too were taken
away. I was really shocked to hear the disturbing news. I even told
Minister Jeyaraj Fernandopulle as well that we could not permit this
type of thing to take place.
Though you had alleged that these people were taken to Batticaloa,
later on our inquiry we were told that only once bus had gone to
Batticaloa. I also contacted the IGP and DIG to verify matters. I was
told this, operation was handled by COC and not the Police.
Later, I got all the details which I later presented to the party
leader’s meeting. It was not 202 as alleged but 302 of which 260 were
males and 42 females. They were taken in 9 buses. At that time none of
us were aware of the actual situation when I inquired from the Security
Forces. I was assured the operation was undertaken with adequate
On my inquiry, the Security Forces told me that there were about
15,000-20,000 persons staying in the lodges. So it is only 302 out of
15,000! There people admitted they had no business to be in Colombo any
longer as they had already furnished their transactions.
I used to discuss there problems at the Cabinet, and before the
President. As Ministers, we have better forums to speak about
disappearances, abductions and so on. I urge all Ministers to do so.
I say there are two alternatives to the national conflict. One is to
be in the Opposition and engage in Satyagraha and other movements to
overthrow the Government. Following that method for how long we are
going to carry on.
How much more are to be killed or their limbs damaged? How many
buildings are to be raised to the ground? To destroy the economy and
drive the people into eternal suffering and cause malnutrition?
The second is to join the Government. MP, Srikantha asked Minister
Hakeem to leave the Government. That is the easiest. Then what happens
to the Government?
President Mahinda Rajapaksa came to power with the support of the JHU
and JVP. However, the President invited the UNP to join him. When the
UNP declined, we joined hands with the Government.
MP, Radakrishnan, Minister Chandrasekaran and I got together and met
the President. Parents of the alleged to have disappear were provided
the occasion to explain their grievances to the President. MP,
Radakrishnan, Minister Chandrasekaran, Vasudeva Nanayakkara, Dulles
Alahapperuma, Abdul Faiz and myself became members of a committee and
decided to continue our work.
Some parents thanked the President for summoning them for discussion.
You have elected to rescue the Tamils from the tragedy to which they
were subjected. Your leaders are getting killed.
These gentlemen talk of human rights. I am asking the Opposition
Leader whether the suspects of the 1971 JVP insurrection too were
brought before the courts, as he said this morning?
I have the hansard before me wherein I find the statement made by the
Opposition Leader (Ranil Wickremesinghe) on the killing of Richard Zoysa.
Chandrika Kumaratunga and myself came to watch the debate. This is what
he said about the human rights.
“You are under the impression that the European countries are going
to shout. We are not going to change. The Government always takes this
stand. We are not going to change that. And those countries are free to
decide whichever way they like. That much I can tell.
I do not know what they are going to do. But since you all are very
friendly with some of these embassy personnel tell them to find out from
their respective foreign ministries and they can let you now by the end
of next week whether we are getting aid next year or not.
We will manage without aid. We can manage without aid. We will do
that. We have other plans. So do not think that dancing around with the
ambassadors and all is going to get you anywhere. In fact you may be an
embarrassment to some of them. That is not our problem.”
This is the position he took up when the Government moved against the
“You are going around trying to make human rights an issue. You go to
embassies. You are trying to get some tickets to go abroad. This is
politics that you are playing. You are entitled to do that.
I am not disputing your right to do that - (interruption) I am not
disputing your right on that. You can do whatever you want. You can make
charges against us. You can call us murderers, anything.
“Politics you can shout. You can call us murderers, you can call us
angles, you can call us anything you want. We are not worried about
that.... You are accusing the Government of murder and killings. I say,
go to the country and do it. You can do that. You can have your mother’s
front, your sons’ front or any front, or back front, anything. We are
not worried about that.”
That is not all. What was his reaction when a debate was asked?
Finally, what I would like to say is that human rights won’t go side by
side with the war.
That is what Ranil Wickremesinghe says. That is right. What he says
today is not correct. That is why I said when there is terrorism, there
are no human rights. You can’t safeguard the human rights and
simultaneously face terrorism as well.
Please see what is happening in Iraq. These gentlemen go to Europe
and allege that our Government violate the human rights. Let us say the
aid will be suspended in view of these allegations of human rights
What are these European Union countries? They are US, Germany,
France, England and Japan. Who are there in Iraq at present? Are they
not the advanced armies? How many have disappeared in Iraq up to date!
Six lakhs of people have disappeared!
The LTTE is the most ruthless terrorist organisation in the world.
They day Sadam Hussain was overthrown I spoke from the Government
benches. I spoke at the Cabinet as well. Rauff Hakeem supported me.
When a particular Minister supported USA, Rauff Hakeem thanked me. I
said, “American armies could go to Iraq but no return. It will be the
second Vietnam.” What is happening in Iraqi today?
Finally Sadam was hanged on the allegation of killing 140 people. Who
says so. They are the biggest European countries. They are the people
who advise us to prosecute the war whilst protecting human rights.
By change of government you cannot restore peace. The solutions is
for the two major parties to get together and involve in the peace
process. It is not the question of replacing Gotabaya with Janaka Perera
as stated by the Opposition Leader. But I told him the solution lies in
the restoration of peace. |