Asia Capital deal peps-up market
CSE: The controlling stake of Asia Capital changed hands with
the divesting of 56.3 million shares at the Colombo Stock Exchange (CSE),
which resulted in pepping up the market fairly well yesterday, compared
to previous days.
According to CSE sources 51 per cent of the controlling stake that
belonged to Dr. Sena Yaddehige was divested and the buyers are believed
to be many existing shareholders.
Due to the change of hands of Asia Capital, the market was able to
record a turnover of Rs. 1.9 billion. Other heavily traded stocks were
John Keells Holdings (JKH), which contributed 6.9 million shares and Sri
Lanka Telecom 736,000.
The number of shares traded in volume were 73,136,051 at the end of
the day.
During yesterdays trading, the All Share Price Index and Milanka
Index were up by 23 and 37 points respectively which indicated a healthy
Further, 117,435,010 ordinary shares of Asiri Surgical Hospitals
Limited were listed in pursuant to a 1.3 bonus issue share. Further
21,639,134 ordinary shares of DFCC Bank were also listed in pursuant to
a 1.4 right issue of shares yesterday
(HHS) |