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The link between Hindu Vedas and dance forms

DANCE: Hinduism is totally based on Vedas, Puranas, Sastras, Susthras, Epics, Mythology and Philosophy.

In all Hindu Vedas and Hindu Dhrma dance plays an important role. Vedas are cosidered as general guidelines to all the humans leading them towards the right path. The Natya Veda is considered as the fifth Veda in Hinduism Lord Bhrama enacted Vedas.

The earlier Vedas are Rig Veda, Yajur Veda, Saama Veda and Atharvana Veda in Hinduism. Bhrama derived verses from Rig Veda, Abinaya from Yajur Veda Music from Saama Veda, Rasa from Atharvana Veda. The devaloka king Indiran felt that all the existing Vedas did not reach the common masses. Therefore he appealed to Lord Bhrama to enact a separate Veda to reach the common masses.

In King Indiran's kingdom dancers and musicians were employed. According to Rig Veda even King Indiran himself was an artist and he supported and provided full patronage to the performing dance and music artists.

In Rig Veda, there are some beautiful references about Apsaras. The Apsaras were considered as common divine dancers and not professional dancers. But there are some references about Urvasi who was considered as a professional dancer.

Hence during that time we can come to the conclusion that there were differences between the professional dancers and the common dancers. During that period dance was considered as a part of life. Dance was practised at special functions, social ceremonies, occasions, religious festivals, ritual functions and sad moments of life.

Even these dances were considered as a highly technical art form based on rhythmic pattern and movements.

According to Natya Veda, Lord Bhrama gathered the verses from the Rig Veda. Hence the Rig Veda played an important role than the other three Vedas.

Yajur Veda is another important Veda in Hinduism. Lord Bhrama gathered the Abinaya from the Yajur Veda. In this Veda there is no reference about King Indiran. According to Yajur Veda and Rig Veda Ashwins are the twin gods for dance and music.

During the Yajur Veda period the dancers and actors were treated as the best members of society. They were given due respect in society. During this period the distinction appeared between the dancers and actors.

During the Saama Veda period there was a distinction which grew between the classical dance form and the folk dance forms.

Whatever it is, both were very much influenced by customs, tradition, religion and habits of the people. According to Atharvana Veda the dancers and apsaras were the most beautiful ladies in society.


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