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Rudolf Nureyev as conductor

BALLET: Yet another virtuosity in Rudolf Nureyev that many people may not have known or was rather overshadowed was his extraordinary dancing.

He was the greatest dancer the world ever knew. A star from the moment he defected at the Paris airport, he was the first ballet dancer to have become a sex symbol around the world. He was typical a Stalinist-Russian opting to keep his private life strictly obscure from the media glare.

The epic figure stood like a colossus. His homosexual life was no secret, especially his stormy affair with Eric Braun. Nureyev also had a fling with his dancing partner, Margot Fonteyn who became pregnant by him when they were in Australia, when Fonteyns was 45 Nureyev was hardly 25.

It was a highly guarded secret because Fonteyn was married to Panamian diplomat/politician who was shot by an assassin. She was compelled to abort and this was only known among their few trusted friends who leaked it after his death in 1993.

From his endless dedication to his fabled cult that permitted him to dance late into his illness, Nureyev strode the international stage as the brilliant colossus he was. Nureyev could not sneeze twice without making headlines. The young and the old adored him. All the girls and the boys at the Royal Ballet were in love with him.

Magnetic personality

And along with his breathtaking, spectacular dancing and magnetic personality Nureyev had no time to score though he was such a gifted musician. He could read and play any score by the Masters with such excellence, he could have been another Mozart or Beethoven.

Nureyev could play Bach backwards with such ease, it amazed many a modern conductor. Bach was one of his favourite composers. His house was littered with scores. Nureyev maintained a magnificent pipe organ, several violins and a couple of grand pianos all of which he played when he found the time.

Not being satisfied after reaching dizzy height with nothing more to achieve in ballet, he focused on his gifted musicality. Arranging, rearranging the Masters who mainly featured in most of his ballets that included among many Mozart, Bach, Prokofiev, Tchaikovsky, Handel.

It was said that Nureyev could dance to any sound from far, far away; to the singing of birds, croaking of frogs, roars of the tiger from the woods and thumping of the elephant.

He revelled in the sounds the that the four seasons produced; winter-blowing, autumn's cold breeze, spring's crackling of seed from below the soil and the summer's glorious showers. Nureyev had the ability to turn any sound to music and dance upon it.

His was the phenomenon of sounds he placed upon many instrument, especially on strings. For such a gifted dancer, the lure of music could not be contained.

Gifted organist

And he decided to raise the baton. He evoked every mood and character in the music of Masters he conducted, turning sensitive on Bach, charged with emotion. A gifted organist, Nureyev's exalted spirit and technical genius arose from years of dancing experiences upon the Masters.

He was able to conduct Bach's Brandenburg Concertos, the art of fugue and Colberg Variations. For hours Nureyev would practise at nights the amazing full-sounding suites for solo as well as Violin Sonatas weeks before he faced the audience.

World of dance

As much as the musical world has never ceased to be inspired, so was the world of dance by Nureyev. Neither did Nureyev forget his countryman, Tchaikovsky to whose music he danced a lifetime. He enjoyed conducting the passionate and fiery music of Tchaikovsky as opposed to the gentle strains of Bach.

Unfortunately for Nureyev, he took up to conducting too late in life when his health was deteriorating.

Had he done it ten years earlier, he would have been a highly recognised one, almost in par with his sizzling dancing career but then dance was his whole life.

And when he died, he was lowered to the grave to the strains of GISELLE, at his request.


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