


Marriage Proposals
Government Gazette

The Mayor's new budget

FORTUNES: All eyes will no doubt be on the first budget to be presented by the new Mayor of Colombo in the coming week. Not so much because Colombo represents the pulse of the country as with the controversial circumstances surrounding the ascension to the throne of Imitiaz Mohommed as Mayor.

The new Mayor whose fortunes are akin to the "Log Cabin to White House" saga has certainly gone places as Rambler predicted in his very first article. From rubbing shoulders with the high and mighty and trekking the corridors of power to issuing orders on matters pertaining to city His Worship has now advanced to the zenith. He is now preparing to preside over the maiden Council budget under his mayorship.

It certainly is a long way from commandeering a three wheeler along sleazy alleys and the murky surrounds of the city. Nay, he has now literally reached commanding heights with his bearded countenance beaming from banners and cutouts at every roundabout and street corner proclaiming his edict to keep the city clean.

As also predicted by Rambler His worship the Mayor has also turned political savvy and turned his back on his mentors and embraced the party in power which could dish out the largesse so that he could paint the town red although it was the paint of a different hue which he applied on the lawns of Town Hall to mark his new allegiance to the powers that be - of course at a cost to the rate payer.

It would however be a red letter day when the new Mayor raised in humble abode mount the rostrum at City Hall berobed and decked in the finery of office to preside over his maiden budget.

The day would no doubt be celebrated by the army of three wheeler operatives in the city who would drink a toast to their former colleague.

Who knows, the new budget could even offer a Christmas bonus to them. We are not aware what the Mayor's travel itineraries are for the next year. It would be interesting to see the budgetary allocation for this.

As a Mayor of a Commonwealth country he is bound to receive many an invitation for overseas travel. And like Ministers of the Central Government he will be entitled to travel with his spouse.

Why there could even be visits to Disneyland. Come Christmas Santa is bound to descend on the new mayor in the form of expensive hampers from well-wishers of the corporate world. The mayor could also be a special invitee to the numerous carol services held in the city.

A more sublime endeavour in contrast to some of the bajaw sessions he may have been part and parcel in his earlier incarnation. Still there will be those who will not begrudge the good fortune that has visited the Mayor. One could not forget how Citizens of Colombo returned a minion of equally humble origins as President of the country. If only His Worship could follow in the same footsteps.


Ghost spoils chance of winning a bet

BET: Two friends met after some time and one asked the other, "Shall we take a bet, you cannot do it?"

The other said, "It's simple, not a big job, tell me what the bet is!"

First man said, "Can you go to the cemetery today and wait till midnight Rs. 1,000 bet."

Even though the second man was a little puzzled because of liquor he had consumed and being greedy for the Rs. 1,000 he agreed to accept the bet immediately.

When night fell, both of them had another drink and were on their way to the cemetery. The person who should remain in the cemetery had consumed more quite naturally and slowly took another bottle of arrack in his pocket without the knowledge of the other.

On reaching the cemetery the bet-holder wished his friend and quietly vanished and stood near the boundary wall to watch him.

The contender went to the cemetery and sat in a dark place over a seat and looked at his watch and alas it was 11.30 p.m. just half an hour to midnight to win the bet.

Now he was getting prepared to ask for the bet money and slowly took his bottle from his pocket and started gulping and building up some confidence.

The time was almost nearing midnight and this friend thought he would get Rs. 1,000 for winning the bet and felt very happy.

He took two more gulps from his bottle and it was just 11.55 p.m. and suddenly a hand was stretched out from the cemetery and a voice heard, "Sir, I didn't have a drink for a decade, can you offer me a drink please."

Shockingly, the fellow left the bottle and darted away from the place to save himself and the other chap also followed him screaming and made him horrified very truly.

Thus our man lost his bet and the money.



Gamin Gamata - Presidential Community & Welfare Service
Sri Lanka

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