


Marriage Proposals
Government Gazette

Sensible approach to conflict

ARMY Commander Lt. General Sarath Fonseka has put forward what may be considered a highly commonsensical approach to containing Sri Lanka's conflict, during his recent discussions with top US government officials in Washington.

In sum, the Lankan Army Chief's position is that Sri Lanka should forge ahead towards evolving a political solution but the military capability of the LTTE, meanwhile, needs to be crippled.

There is likely to be ready agreement on the point made by the Army Commander that the LTTE's military capability should not be allowed to grow to such proportions that the terror group's leadership begins to believe that a negotiated settlement is unnecessary.

In other words, the LTTE leadership must be made to experience the terrible costs involved in stubbornly pursuing the military option. If this is not done the chances are that the LTTE would continue to battle the Lankan State ruthlessly.

The Lankan Army Commander's reference to the ways in which the LTTE has relentlessly bolstered its fighting capability since the signing of CFA, only adds substance to his position.

The Lankan Army Chief's position on the LTTE, accords perfectly with the accepted approach to ending conflicts of this kind. When faced with conflicts of this nature, States usually follow what may be called a dual approach to resolving them.

On the one hand they initiate a political strategy aimed at redressing the legitimate grievances of the disaffected, rebellious party.

On the other, the State also adopts a military strategy in recognition of the fact that the insurrectionist group's military capability must be blunted severely if the latter is to cooperate in bringing a political solution.

Accordingly, there is nothing controversial in the Lankan Army Commander's position on the LTTE. This is a highly sensible way of going about creating the necessary conditions for resolving our conflict.

Even if the Army Chief's views are considered controversial, they are perfectly acceptable because the LTTE has terrifyingly defied all attempts at putting a rational construct on its conduct.

The recent botched attempt on the life of Defence Secretary Gotabaya Rajapaksa is the latest evidence that the LTTE is not sparing a thought for a political solution.

It is ruthlessly committed to achieving its elusive ends through the perpetration of increasing bloodshed and violence. This commitment and determination is in turn fired by the LTTE's faith in its seeming military capability.

If its military capability is diminished as a result of the Security Forces constantly engaging it, the Tigers would be compelled to give a political solution a serious try. Until then, the LTTE is likely to remain the blood-thirsty outfit it is.

Therefore, a strong case could be made for the Security Forces' current limited military operations which are aimed at protecting the national interest and stripping the LTTE of its military capability. The military option is indeed a very costly proposition and the LTTE should see that this is so.

However, it is important to realise that the State remains committed to the wellbeing of all its citizenry. It would continue to zealously pursue the legitimate interests of all our communities.

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Gamin Gamata - Presidential Community & Welfare Service
Sri Lanka

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