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Government Gazette

Negombo YSC and Blue Star aiming for top spot

SOCCER: Negombo Youth Sports Club will confront Sri Lanka Air Force today at Police ground in their second round game of the Kit Premier League Soccer Championship at 3.30 p.m. this game will be of vital importance to Negombo team as a victory here could definitely put them along with the leaders Ratnam SC who is on top of the table.

Ratnam SC from Kotahena heads the points table with 20 points, and the NYSC team which has a tally of seventeen points can easily move two steps forward pushing down Blue Star SC (19) from second slot.

Ratnam SC could have maintained their position if they did not faulter against Sri Lanka Army last week to go down 2-0. This loss for the Ratnams had a very serious effect on their position.

Meanwhile Blue Star SC too has a chance of moving forward this week provided they gain a win against Blue Star SC to collect maximum of three points which also could put them ahead of both leaders. If this takes place both Negombo YSC and Ratnam will have a tough time in the matches to come.

In the Segment 'B' leaders New Youngs SC take on Red Sun SC in another vital game in this group. A win here for the former is sure to keep them in the lead for a further period.

But the Jupiters SC from Negombo who are sitting pretty close to the leaders too is capable of reaching the top if they overcome the high riding Old Bens from Kotahena. The Kotahena team is also top runner for the championships in this category.

In the Segment 'A' Kandy York SC and Renown SC who will be entering the second stage of the Kit Premier League should come out with an excellent performance if they are to maintain their position in this category.

The Segment 'B' Golden Star SC and Matara SC are the lowly placed teams here and these teams have so far failed to prove their worthiness in this class of championship. Further failures by these teams are sure to get the knock out blow from this segment and will have to go down to the Division I.

Their exit will pave the way for the two champion teams from Division one to qualify in to Segment 'B'.

This week ends fixtures are as follows;

Today: Segment 'A'

Negombo Youth SC vs Air Force at Police ground at 3.30 p.m.

Sri Lanka Army vs Blue Star SC at CR & FC at 3.30. p.m.

Segment 'B'

Kalutara Park SC vs New yoyungs SC at Kalutara at 3.30 p.m.

Sunday: Segment 'A'

Renown SC vs Saunders SC at Sports Ministry ground at 3.30 p.m.

Kandy York SC vs Sri Lanka Police SC at Bogambara stadium at 3.30 p.m.

Segment 'B':

Matara SC vs Red Sun SC at Weegulawatte ground at 3.30 p.m.

Jupiters SC vs Old Bens SC at Kadolkele ground, Negombo at 3.30 p.m.

Java Lane SC vs Golden Star SC at City League ground, Colombo, at 3.30 p.m.


Gamin Gamata - Presidential Community & Welfare Service
Sri Lanka

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