Samurdhi IT centres for tsunami-hit areas
COLOMBO: The Sri Lanka Samurdhi Authority (SLSA) plans to establish
three communication centres in three tsunami affected areas to provide
IT facilities to the public at concessionary rates.
The SLSA in collaboration with the Telecommunications Regulatory
Commission (TRC) and the Malta Government will set up two of these
communication centres in Hambantota and one in Matara before end
December this year, SLSA Director General Ravindra Hewavitharana told
the Daily News yesterday.
He said Rs.5 million will be spent to establish each communications
centre. The Malta Government has pledged to provide the equipment for
these centres. The SLSA will provide buildings to set up the centres.
The communication centres will be equipped with all key IT facilities
such as Internet, e-mail, telephone, market information and other IT
All these IT services will be provided to the public at low rates.
Each of these centres will be established close to the Samurdhi Bank
Society in the respective area to provide an opportunity for Samurdhi
beneficiary families to obtain these IT facilities, he said.
Arrangements have also been made to provide computer training to
youth through these centres.
The SLSA also intends to set up a video unit affiliated to these
communication centres to provide important provincial news to the
public, he said.
The SLSA will set up these three centres as a pilot project.
Following the success achieved by these projects, the intention of
the SLSA is to establish 20 communications centres covering all
districts, he said.