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Government Gazette

Army committed to create peaceful nation - Army Chief

COLOMBO: The Army, well aware of its responsibility and role, is fully dedicated to wipe out country's violent atmosphere, defend the country's territorial integrity and unitary nature, and create a peaceful and conducive environment where Sri Lankans of all ethnicities from four corners of the island could co-exist in harmony, Army Commander Sarath Fonseka said in a message to his troops.

As I have reiterated earlier, we should work with esprit de corps to achieve this objective.

Many measures have already been launched, if not hitherto undertaken, to promote the image of the Army as a professional outfit rich with discipline, lawfulness and technical know-how, free from corruption, deception, wastage of resources and public funds, he said. The Army Day fell yesterday.

The Army Commander said: To march forward as a professional outfit providing security while defending the country's territorial integrity and sovereignty, I once again wish to emphasise the need to have adequate training practices, effective management of resources and troops, maximum use of weaponry and organisational capabilities that would enormously strengthen the troops morale deployed in operational areas.

They should be counted as part of your prime responsibilities as disciplined members of the Army, if we are to reach our goals.

Let me pay a tribute to your unfailing patience and contribution made at all times toward implementation of the provisions of the four-year Ceasefire Agreement (CFA), despite numerous terrorist violations, harassments, provocations although it was supposed to bring such acts to a halt. This tolerance promoted the Army's image to a great height in terms of its disciplined nature and commitment to the CFA.

Your fight against terrorists to free innocent civilians from terrorist clutches is another sphere the Army as well as peace-loving Sri Lankans could be proud of. This contribution, no doubt enhanced the Army image.

The world has finally and wholly realised that the Sri Lanka Army while performing its legitimate duties has shown professionalism of the highest standards.

Let me also extend my kind and best regards to Sri Lankan soldiers now serving overseas on foreign missions.

Battalions performing peacekeeping duties in Haiti together with UN Armies have fetched honour and dignity to the country as a result of their excellent services.

Our past is shrouded in resounding victories as well as bitter experience of defeats but they have assisted us to achieve due respect and reputation.

Those who had laid their lives and gone missing during the terrorist war made an immense contribution for our achievements that have been achieved so far. In this respect, I remember with gratitude the invaluable contributions made by their parents, wives, children, brothers and sisters of those valiant War Heroes.

Soldiers who turned differently able in their attempt to accomplish their mission are also remembered with respect and admiration.

I wish them fast recovery. Similarly, I convey my regards and greetings to all those beloved ones of the families of those serving soldiers.

Likewise, let me also extend my best wishes to our members of the civil staff and their families on this memorable occasion.

I know that your responsibilities at present are challenging and quite demanding on par with fast changing technological advancement.

Facilities to get that knowledge, I assure, will soon be with you. You have already displayed your talents and I believe you would maintain the status quo even in the future.

May blessings of Noble Triple Gem, Sacred Tooth Relic and Jaya Sri Maha Bodhi be with you giving strength and courage to build a peaceful and united country that would ensure security, liberty and freedom to all and the next generation in the country."


Gamin Gamata - Presidential Community & Welfare Service

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