


Marriage Proposals
Government Gazette

Distribution of essential items in Jaffna to be streamlined

COLOMBO: The Government will streamline the distribution of essential items in the Jaffna peninsula in collaboration with the private sector on a directive issued by President Mahinda Rajapaksa.

The President issued this order following complaints that some items were not reaching the people as only the co-ops were involved in the distribution process.

A special discussion was held in this connection at the Presidential Secretariat, presided by President Rajapaksa. Political and civil society representatives attended the discussion.

A special delegation left for Jaffna yesterday to inquire into the food situation there. The Jathika Saviya programme will coordinate this visit, the President's Office said.

It was also decided to distribute foods from the World Food Programme among Jaffna residents.

MP N. Raviraj pointed out the transport difficulties faced by Jaffna residents, especially schoolchildren. The President disclosed that Rs.8 million would be allocated for deploying new buses and maintaining existing buses under the Jathika Saviya. Fuel shortages in Jaffna will also be eased.

The discussion also focused on the abduction and disappearance of several Tamil businessmen in several parts of the country. A special police unit is probing these disappearances and the situation is now under control.

Defence officials explained that various groups had planned and executed these acts in order to tarnish the Government's image. Most of the disappeared people have been found unharmed. Investigations are still on. The President directed Police Chief Chandra Fernando to disclose the truth as soon as the probe ends and ensure that no such acts occur again.

The President urged people who left Muttur to resettle in their homes as the situation there was completely back to normal.

He also instructed the IGP to expedite investigations into the killing of 10 Muslims in Pottuvil recently and reveal the truth.



Gamin Gamata - Presidential Community & Welfare Service

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