


Marriage Proposals
Government Gazette

Rough stuff at Rugby Club

RUGBY: A leading Rugby Football Club had its Club Bar smashed by one of its ex Players. The incident attracted much publicity in the local media. What is of particular interest is the player in question had defected to another Club only after serving his original Club for a short duration. The Club naturally irked by this treachery had sued the player. The smash up is said to be in retaliation against the Court action.

The player who is said to be flanker in Rugby parlance has certainly opened a flank of attack on the entire Rugby establishment. The game which had suffered many ups and downs in recent times with discipline hitting a low ebb could well do without brash in house violence. Local Rugby heads are bound to meet and to tackle the issue and ensure players don't cross the line.

If ever lines are to be crossed it should be only done to score tries on the playing field players would be told. Imagine some burly hunk of male making a bee line to his Club bar not for a tot but to wreck the place. Why pick on the bar one may ask, unless it was a spirited attempt to lodge one's protest.

The player concerned may have also conjured up a picture of himself sending the oval ball sailing over the cross bar. No mention is made as to how he went about his mission.

There is bound to have been all the attributes of a skilled rugby player on display going by the damage caused which is estimated to be over Rs. 1 million. Surely the offender would have been peeved at the insult of litigation. More so at a time when cross-overs have come to be taken for granted in the Sri Lankan polity. Wasn't there legal precedents to show that one could switch allegiance to another political party while retaining membership in one's own party.

A cursory look at the Parliament Chambers would bear out this fact. There are as many as six Government Ministers who crossed over from the opposition ranks who nevertheless claim they still belong to their original party.

True, they were openly scoring for the other side while being members of their own party. But didn't they have an inherent right to their own views even though it may go counter to their own party's policies. Their expulsion was deemed contrary to natural justice. At least that is what the Court held.

It is like being in a football team and scoring an own goal for the other side.There is nothing wrong with that is there.

One has a right to play football, like one is entitled to express one's views on behalf of the other side a la the cross-overs. Into whose goal one scores is non of the team's business. That seems to be the norm. So why this sudden move to deviate from the beaten track. True, the response could be termed 'disproportionate action' but wasn't our legislators guilty of worse escapades like smashing crockery and wrecking Chandeliers at Five Hotels.

The Club bar episode could have its own violent spin off. In House Club bars may no longer be the ideal place for rest and relaxation. Sudden eruptions could now be commonplace in hitherto respectable enclaves of the elite. It only needs a Rugby player to set off the spark. The incident could also have its own positives.

Clubs would also now have a clue on a potential defector by a close survey of his conduct. The more violent he becomes the more likely he will defect. Clubs could even employ a decoy to keep tabs on members who may display itchy tendencies.

In keeping with local political culture there could even be horse trading to poach players from rival clubs who will then go on to praise the virtues of their new club and land a drop kick on their former mates. The episode could also have its fall-out in the playing field especially during encounters featuring the former club of the defector. The ex-club mate would be a marked man and singled out for special treatment.


Tortoise and the hare

A new version

FOLKLORE: Mr Hare was furious that day. Previous night he had read about the "legendary betrayal" of his race.

"Just imagine losing to a tortoise," he angrily muttered to himself.

I must change this. I will change history and bring back the respectability and prestige we had as a race of fast runners.

Next day he went to meet Mr. Tortoise.

"I am sorry to say but I must brand you and your race as cheats," he told Mr. Tortoise.

Mr Tortoise was surprised but he asked what the reason to utter such an unbecoming statement.

"One of your ancestors cheated and beat one of my stupid ancestors in a marathon race. It has become a great insult to our history, so I have come to challenge you for a race like in the last episode."

Mr. Tortoise knew about the incident. He smiled and said, "Mr. Hare my ancestor didn't cheat. He was a hardworking person but your ancestor was stupid and slept for a while."

"Any way I accept your challenge. You fix the date and the time and I'll he there.

"And also get some international observers as this will be a history - making marathon," Tortoise said.

So on the fixed date and time they began the race with much pomp and glory. Both were determined to fight to protect their heritage and prestige.

"I won't sleep on the way like my stupid ancestor. I'll finish the race in no time and then sleep for a while till this mad tortoise comes". Saying this Mr. Hare dashed forward.

Mr. Tortoise as usual and like his ancestor started the race very slowly and was continuing on the road.

The race had passed the half way mark and the distance between the two competitors was about two miles.

At this moment a local fisherman, who had finished the sales for the day was returning home. He was on his cycle travelling fast to reach home early.

Suddenly he saw the "dish" travelling on the road. "Oh my god! A tortoise," he happily told himself and took the tortoise and kept it in his fish box."My lucky day. Now I won't go home. Instead I"ll go and meet my friends. I haven't had tortoise meat for a long time. My friends will be delighted", the fisherman soliloquized.

The man was riding fast and on the way passed the hare who was running as if somebody was chasing him.

While passing the hare tortoise put his head out and said, "Mr, Hare, this may be my Journey's end but I won't let you change history."

So the legendary result of the hare and tortoise race stayed intact




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