Political Quotas for Women:
Why is Sri Lanka lagging behind?
Chulani Kodikara
QUOTA SYSTEM: There is a silent revolution taking place in the most
disparate and unlikely places around the world. It is changing the
structures, and the very texture of democracy and governance in those
countries. It is giving voice to a whole section of the population which
has been traditionally marginalised from decision making in relation to
issues of governance.
Affirmative action for women in politics whether implemented by the
state or by political parties is paving the way for hundreds and
thousands of women to enter all levels of government traditionally
dominated by men.
Indeed, new research on women’s representation in political
institutions shows that the use of electoral quotas for women is much
more widespread than is commonly held’. At present as many as eighty
countries have introduced electoral/political quotas for women in one
form or another.
They include countries as diverse as Sweden, South Africa, France,
Uganda, Argentina, Bosnia and Pakistan. When you consider the world of
quotas for women, no distinction can in fact be made between countries
on the basis of rich or poor, developed or developing, north or south,
east or west.
In fact, Rwanda, now boasts the highest number of women in a national
parliament, thanks to a quota for women introduced in 2003. It is an
achievement to be proud of in a country, still in the process of
rebuilding a society based on democracy, equality and human rights,
following ethnic conflict and hatred which culminated in the brutal
genocide of 1994.
Costa Rica is at third place due to a 40 per cent quota for women in
electoral lists and the requirement that women must be placed in
winnable positions. both these countries have displaced the Nordic
countries which were in those positions in the past.
Quotas in countries emerging from conflict
Rwanda is an example of the space that opens up in post conflict
countries to address gender inequality and discrimination through
legislative and constitutional change when new constitutions and
legislative structures are being put in place. There are other examples
from around the world.
When South Africa made the transition from apartheid to democracy in
1994, the African National Congress voluntarily adopted its own internal
quota for women in electoral lists due to strong pressure from women
within the ANC.
Following these examples more and more countries emerging from
conflict are adopting quotas as a way of building more democratic,
inclusive and participatory societies. In 2005, quotas for women were
implemented in elections in Afghanistan, Burundi, Iraq and Liberia; and
in 2006 in Palestine.
The increasingly widespread use of quotas stem from the need to:
* Ensure justice for women who represent half the population and
* Ensure that women’s interests and concerns are considered and
represented in legislative decision making.
The core idea behind quotas is ensure that women are not excluded
from political decision making, and to shift the burden of recruitment
to these institutions from individual women to those who control the
system of recruitment, i.e. to political parties.
Quotas aim at ensuring that women constitute a critical mass of over
30 per cent or 40 per cent in elected institutions or atleast in
nomination lists. Quotas represent a fundamental shift from one concept
of equality to another, i.e. from the concept of formal equality to the
concept of substantive equality.
The classical liberal notion of formal equality assumes that removing
formal barriers, for example giving women the right to vote and be
elected to political office is sufficient to give women equal access to
political institutions. The rest is believed to be the responsibility of
However, deep rooted socio-cultural and economic barriers which
impede women from equally accessing political power is now well
documented. (In Sri Lanka, in addition to factors such as lack of family
support, cultural norms, and women’s double and triple burden of work,
the nature of the electoral system, violence and lack of party support
act as almost insurmountable obstacles to women’s participation in
In the last few decades following strong pressure from the women’s
movement, the second concept of equality has been gaining increasing
relevance and support. The principle of substantive equality recognises
that real equality of opportunity is not achieved through the mere
removal of formal/legal barriers.
It recognises that equality of opportunity and resources require at
times that individual or groups be treated unequally especially when
they are disadvantaged due to conditions/circumstances beyond their
control. Quotas and other forms of affirmative action are thus a means
towards equality of results.
From Scandinavia to the Subcontinent every substantial increase in
women’s political representation is attributable to some form of
quotas/reservations or electoral reform. And contrary to popular belief
fielding more women can actually benefit political parties.
Quotas for women in local government
While quotas for women exist at all levels of government, local
government is a good place to start implanting a system of quotas for
several reasons: Local government is the level of government where women
can enter political life with relative ease, the costs of running an
election campaign are relatively low and issues at the local level such
as water and sanitation are issues intimate to women. Local government
is also a good training ground for women politicians who want to reach
higher levels of elected or appointed office in government.
In fact, Sri Lanka does have a strong tradition of women Mayors and
heads of local government bodies. At the most recently concluded local
government elections, there were several women elected to head local
government bodies.
In South Asia, a legally binding quota at local government level is
now in operation in India, Pakistan, Bangladesh and Nepal. This is the
reason for the dramatic increase in women’s representation in local
government from figures as low as in Sri Lanka to more than 20 per cent
at present.
Women in Local Government in South Asia, 2000
Country Year women were eligible Women in Local to vote and stand for
Local Government seats % of Government Total
Sri Lanka 1938 2
India 1947 33.3
Pakistan 1970 33
Nepal 1955 24.1
Bangladesh 1947 33.3
Clearly there is a need to address this abysmally low level of
women’s representation at local government level in Sri Lanka as a
matter of urgency.
There is in fact substantial support for the implementation of a
quota for women at local government level from the two major political
parties in Sri Lanka.
Sri Lanka may also not have to wait for constitutional reform to
implement such a quota, as a Parliamentary Select Committee on Electoral
Reform is at present formulating recommendations for reform of the
system of elections in Sri Lanka, and a quota for women is well within
its mandate to recommend.
The challenge for law makers is to design an effective quota that can
be implemented within the system of elections that is ultimately adopted
in Sri Lanka.