


Marriage Proposals
Government Gazette

Dissolve Colombo Municipal Council

Every right thinking person would agree that the Colombo Municipal Council has now become the laughing stock of the nation. It is the premier local body in Sri Lanka.

In the past, whether its members were from left or right parties, they were conducting affairs in a dignified manner.

The most elite, highly educated and the intelligent as well as the poor and downtrodden are living in Colombo. However the way things are now going on in the Colombo Municipality, Colombo voters cannot be happy and contended.

No good administration can be expected as there is no real working majority in either faction of the recently elected members.

The recent ugly scenes indicate the chaotic situation to which this august assembly has fallen.

It is an insult not only to the voters of Colombo but to the entire public spirited citizens of this country. No one would deny that whenever a distinguished visitor arrived in Sri Lanka, it is his Lordship the Mayor who welcomed him at a civic reception, bringing honour to one and all in the country.

We should try to maintain that position in our premier local body and the capital of Sri Lanka.

The initial blunder for the current unsettled situation in the Colombo Municipality was made by the United National Party as it failed to present a flawless nomination list at the last Colombo Municipal Elections. Somebody blundered and the ratepayers are now suffering.

All unbiased people in and out of Colombo expected a good decent administration under the veteran politician Vasudeva Nanayakkara in the midst of chaotic situation created by the oldest political party in Sri Lanka.

He could have done a good job if his lot was elected. Now the things are going from bad to worse.

Without allowing it to deteriorate any further, it is advisable for the Minister of Local Government to intervene and dissolve the Colombo Municipal Council immediately and cause action to hold fresh elections.

Then all will learn a lesson by their past mistakes, and the new members would be in a position to conduct the affairs of the Colombo Municipal Council in an exemplary manner.

Over to you the Minister of Local Government for earnest consideration, please.

D. W. NANDISENA, Colombo 3.

Stamp duty on Credit Cards

I refer to a letter from L. H. S. Peiris, (July 3) and wish to confirm the following.

(1) To put the record straight, the Stamp Duty on Credit Cards is 1%, and not 0.1%, effective April 4, 2006. Therefore the additional payment involved in respect of monthly purchase of Rs. 23,540/68 would be Rs. 258/95 and not Rs. 47/54.

(2) The Bank Debit Tax of 0.1% effective May 1, 2002, could not be brought into this calculation now because the people operate Bank Accounts for the following purposes.

(a) The problem of carrying/keeping of excess cash is not necessary, thereby the danger of burglary, theft, fire etc. could be avoided;

(b) The proof of payment is better (in case you lose the receipt, you could very well obtain a certificate from the bank confirming the details of payment made);

(c) Prestige

(3) The Credit Card Holders enjoy 45-54 days of credit. At present, the bank overdraft rate is 12%, and the interest saved (though it is his own money) is 1.5%.

Thus the payment of 1% to the Dept. of Inland Revenue as Stamp Duty is justifiable.

(4) People prefer Credit Card operations due to the following:

. Accepting payment (cheques are not accepted every where)

. The risk of carrying/keeping cash is avoided

. Enjoys Credit for 45-54 days as mentioned in the above paragraph

. Prestige

Therefore, if Credit card holders wish to forego all these benefits, they could very well switch on to cash operations.

I wish to remind that whenever a Levy is imposed, there is always opposition from some section of the people.

You cannot satisfy everybody in every aspect. There is a famous Sinhala proverb. "maga hitiyoth tho nasee, gedara giyoth ambu nasee" which means - "if you stay back you will die, if you go home your wife will die."

In a developing country like ours people should be in a position to bear additional burdens. It is not correct to state that the trend on Credit Card banking will have a negative effect due to introduction of Stamp Duty.

As far as I am aware, more people flock into this Credit card operation. The fact, which prevents them, is the monthly income limit placed by the bankers (I presume it is Rs. 10,000 minimum). If the bankers reduce this limit, the number will increase tremendously.

With due respect, I wish to state that my statement could be challenged in March 2007, with facts drawn from Credit Agencies, banks etc.

S. R. BALACHANDRAN, Council Member, The National Chamber of Commerce of Sri Lanka.

'Could terrorists even ask for an apology?'

On the June 29 Daily News, Bandula Jayasekara raises an interesting question, when he asks 'could terrorists even ask for an apology?' Indeed it is only forgiveness which will allow us to move on from these 'heinous crimes.'

I would like to refer him to the Truth and Reconcilliation Commissions of South Africa headed by the Archbishop Desmond Tutu, and the similar models now in operation in Ruwanda, and other parts of Europe.

As revolutionary as this concept may seem to Mr. Jayasekara, the success that these commissions have had speak for themselves.

The best example is that of South Africa. For years nobody knew who were the perpetrators of the massacres that took place, and nobody claimed responsibility.

The TRCs afforded an oppurtunity for someone to claim responsibility, and for the dead to be actually buried. Mr. Jayasekara asks, is it humanly possible to forgive...

I suggest that it is somewhat divine to forgive, and to suggest that someone has the capacity to do so is the biggest honour to be bestowed on those victims.

CHENTHU, via email.



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