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Government Gazette

Lanka Osteopathic for Children launched

COLOMBO: Lanka Osteopathic For Children, the first of its kind in Asia commenced work yesterday with First Lady Shiranthi Rajapaksa participating as the chief guest at the inaugural ceremony held at the Galadari Hotel, Colombo.

The LOCC focused its attention on children living within the areas covering the Rajamaha Vihara in Galle as they were the victims who felt the brunt of the tsunami. The Osteopathic therapeutic modalities used will be in harmony with both the indigenous and western therapeutic modalities.

The Rajamaha Vihara is a very holy and auspicious monastery in the centre of Galle. It will be the focal point for the treatment of the children in need. As well as auspicious, the location is practical, being in close proximity to the Karapitiya, the main teaching hospital of the southern province.

The organisation paid its attention to the children with President Mahinda Rajapaksa declaring the National Year of the Children under the theme "A caring hand through childhood's land" .

The declaration has unanimous support from leaders and nations the world over. This call for action by the President has motivated the LOCC team to expedite the process of setting up the Lanka Osteopathic Centre for Children.

The vision of the LOCC is to set up a centre of world excellence in Sri Lanka to train and treat both patient and practitioners and to duplicate this process worldwide in every country and are of need.

Another key objective of the LOCC is to facilitate the training of future osteopaths in Sri Lanka and abroad with an exchange programme with other teaching faculties. This will be done through a sponsorship programme offered by the LOCC.

The help of fellow osteopathic colleagues worldwide was enlisted to aid in the re-balancing and harmonising these children for the future betterment of the nations.

Paediatric Osteopathy is a tried and tested modality with the pioneering centre initially set up in London which was championed by the then patron, Princess Diana, Princess of Wales.

Children will be treated free with all auxiliary and patient care costs borne by the LOCC. The LOCC has got long term support from wealthy individuals and the selfless and dedicated hands on support given by Osteopaths, other clinicians and friends from all walks of life.



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