


Marriage Proposals
Government Gazette

Ignore parking at your own peril

When a business becomes successful those who are engaged in it become busier. They become so busy that they do not see, or, perhaps deliberately ignore those small things which can affect their business.

It is not only the businessmen who get busy but the locations from which they operate too become busy. Be it a food outlet, supermarket, hardware store or garment retail business, if it is popular these places would surely attract crowds.

More people to attract, more money to make, and less time to think about those who bring in that money.

For example, let's look at that popular place in the city for fashionable clothes. During festive seasons like this it becomes crowded with people from morning to midnight. Most of its customers come in cars, vans or at least in three-wheelers.

They park their vehicles by the side of the main road or nearby lanes causing traffic congestion and greatly inconveniencing the residents of the area.

One may think that it is the high level of popularity of a business which attracts bigger crowds. It may well be the case, but before long its customers will say, "Well that place is the best, but parking is the only problem."

So they will opt for the more convenient places in the city. One day the owner of that big business will lament "We have spent huge amounts on advertising, making the premises more attractive and we even offered special bargain prices to customers but the other places have become more popular.

Perhaps, it was because one thing that company did not have on its priority list was providing parking space. After all they should be grateful to the customers who were behind their success.

One of the main causes of traffic congestion during festive seasons is inadequate parking facilities specially at retail outlets. That is a facility which most businessmen from small scale to large scale do not consider important.

'It is not our business how they come, they come because we cater to their needs." This is the attitude of most businessmen towards their customers. They never consider that it is their duty to spend something from what they earn for the convenience of the customers.

Traffic congestion due to inadequate parking is not confined to Colombo. It is a problem in every major city. It is the main reason why the journey from Colombo to Kandy or Galle takes double the time during festive seasons. And it is not only during festive seasons.

Even at other times parking facilities offered by some businesses are not satisfactory at all. Even places like private hospitals do not provide sufficient space to park, specially during channeling hours.

Patients who have to pay high fees to channel their doctors at some hospitals have to leave their vehicles at the mercy of some `drug addicts' who become temporary traffic wardens at unsafe parking areas nearby.

Solving this problem is the responsibility of both the authorities and the private sector. Authorities should not allow more business premises to crop up in the city which do not provide adequate parking space.

The traffic division of a police station should be something more than a body which tells us where not to park. The authorities with the help of those thriving businessmen should provide the customers places to park.

On the other hand, providing parking facilities itself can be a thriving business. Therefore, it is a business which the government should encourage by providing incentives.

"Parking is at your own risk" is a common sign we see in parking areas. Still people are willing to pay any amount and take that risk if space is available.



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