


Marriage Proposals
Government Gazette

Wife sues hospital for husband's death

COLOMBO: A widow is suing the Durdens Hospital for Rs. 5 million alleging that her husband died because of the negligence of the hospital staff.

Nayana Nandani Kasakara of Kadawatha and mother of a four year old girl filed the case before the Colombo District Court.She has cited the Durdens Heart Surgical Centre Pvt Ltd, Colombo 3 and Specialist Y. K. M. Lalic as respondents.

According to the petition Nayana' Nandani's Husband E.A.J.P. Pieris was employed at a beverages company. He was recommended for a heart surgery after a disease in the heart.

Petitioner stated that the Company promised to settle a bill for the surgery amounting to less than Rs 0.45 million. The petitioner has been informed that the cost of the surgery would be Rs 0.3 million. Thereafter the petitioner's husband underwent the surgery on February 13, 2004.

According to the petition the condition of the patient worsened after the surgery and several other surgeries had been conducted without the knowledge of the family members. The patient died on February 24, 2004. But the hospital has sent a bill of Rs 9,76, 443 to the Coca-Cola Company.

Petitioner said that she has a four year old daughter and they were rendered destitute after her husband's demise. She is claiming Rs 5 million as compensation for the pain of mind caused.



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