The return of the painting lady

ART: Sudumenike Wijesooriya will hold an exhibition of her latest paintings entitled "Dahan-4" at the Lionel Wendt Art Gallery, Colombo 7 from March 9-12. The exhibition will be open to the public from 10 a.m. - 7 p.m. Labour Relations and Foreign Employment Minister Athauda Seneviratne and Media and Information Minister Anura Priyadarshana Yapa will participate as chief guests in the inaugural ceremony today (March 8) at 5 p.m.

At her public debut, nearly three years ago, artist U.K. Chandrani Sudumenike Wijesuriya, brought in a welcome whiff of fresh air, into the landscape of contemporary art in Sri Lanka. Her first exhibition was an enlivening intimation of the insertion of an entirely new painting talent, to Sri Lanka's national art stream.

Lovers of art

Back then, what quite significantly intrigued the lovers of art, was the ample promise implicit in her works on display. Since then, this lady artist, has covered substantial creative ground, to arrive at a stage, where an unmistakable quality of maturity has begun to exude from the present range of her works.

Artist: Sudumenike Wijesooriya

The characteristic trend in her works, is a concerned celebration of life. For her "life" implies, the experience of growing up in a rural setting and subsequently pursuing her profession of teaching in a semi-urban social context.

She is adept at observing and recording in her works, the subtle nuances, that form the very essence of a given human situation. It is this impressive empathy, that imposes an authenticity to the subject matter she perpetuates in her works.

Her pleasing capacity, to reach the inner essence of persons, through their externally perceptible behaviour, enables her to transform a fleeting moment into a lasting icon.

Musical party

The viewer's attention will be very much focused. I am sure, on a piece she has painted, depicting a rural musical party. The more rehearsed spontaneity of this rustic merry-making, is distinguished by a touch of whimsicality, which makes the total work amusing to a considerable extent.

The keenness with which the participants involve themselves in the merry-making is admirably portrayed in her work.

In most instances, the artist manipulates her palette, to impart a gossamer softness to her subject-matter, giving the impression that the colours have filtered through a charming dream.

In an unusual departure, for a practising artist, Chandrani Sudumenike Wijesuriya, provides verbal comments on her art and her sustaining philosophy.

She has written about her evolution as an artist and also about her attitude to life and its problems.

This verbal articulation has enabled her to assume an objective stance towards her subject - matter. The totality of her works is suffused with a marked sense of humane understanding.

She possesses an inner being, amply stocked with memories, recollections and impressions, garnered throughout a sensitive life, lived, to a great extent, in close proximity to mother nature.

Her experiences and the idioms deriving from the lifestyle around her, nourished her soul, from her childhood on.

She burnished her in-born talents, to a high polish, through her assiduous dedication to the formal study of art.

Eventually, when she became a teacher of art, she continued to pursue her interest in the acquisition of new creative efficiencies. Even today, she continues her practice, punctuating her progress with an occasional exhibition.

Her accumulating body of work, will, without any doubt assure her a secure niche, in the tradition of Sri Lankan art.

Erotic female forms

A word must, invariably be added, about her attitude to the painting of the female form. She has quite scrupulously eschewed the painting of explicitly erotic female forms.

But, some of her portrayals of the feminine, possess a subtle and subdued touch of sensuality - even vaguely bordering of erotics.

When everything is said and done, her latest exhibition will provide viewers with a highly humane experience.


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