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Government Gazette

JVP will co-operate with Govt

COLOMBO:The JVP yesterday said it will co-operate fully with the Government and extends its fullest support to President Mahinda Rajapakse under the MoU signed between the President and the JVP.

Commenting on JVP's decision to contest separately in the Local Government polls, JVP General Secretary Tilvin Silva stressed this decision taken by the party hierarchy will not cause any damage whatsoever to the SLFP-JVP relationship.

The Local Government election should not be considered on the scale of national politics. Therefore, people should not confuse the Local Government polls with national politics. At present various reactionary forces are attempting to mislead the public on the JVP decision, Silva told a media briefing in Colombo yesterday.

He said the country's progressive forces elected President Rajapakse and gave a clear mandate to the Mahinda Chintana. As long as the President acts in accordance with the agreement reached, the JVP will extend its fullest support to the President and his Government towards all the issues of national importance.

In future peace negotiations too, the JVP will extend its fullest support to Government in keeping with the clauses contained in the Mahinda Chintana, he said.

Some of the local bodies in the urban and rural areas are reeking with corruption. Therefore, the JVP has decided to contest the Local Government polls separately to fulfil the aspirations of the public as it has shown in its exemplary adminstration of the Tissamaharama Pradeshiya Sabha, Silva said.



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