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Government Gazette

CWC backs Govt. peace bid

COLOMBO: Ceylon Workers Congress (CWC), yesterday pledged its total support to the Government in its peace initiative and all other good work,' undertaken for the public benefit, while remaining in Parliamentary opposition, for the time being.

Parliamentarian Muttu Sivalingam said they have decided to join with the SLFP at the upcoming Local Government elections and were happy with President Mahinda Rajapakse's move to explore a negotiated settlement to the ethnic conflict. According to a party spokesperson, the CWC agreed to contest with the SLFP, after learning of SLFP decision to contest the elections sans UPFA coalition partners JVP and JHU.

In Badulla, Ratnapura, Kurunegala and Colombo districts the CWC and Upcountry People's Front have decided to go it alone whilst in the other areas they would support the SLFP.

Asked if they have any plans for crossing over to the Government ranks in Parliament, Sivalingam said they have not considered this for the moment.

"For the time being we have given our priority to the local council elections," he said. "We have not yet considered any cross-overs," he said. "Such matters would have to be discussed at length and there are many views to be considered," he added.

However, he added that any moves in that respect would depend on the conduct of both parties towards each other.

"Each party would have to respect the other and come to a mutual understanding," said Sivalingam.



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