Lines - great asset to Chandana

ART: Artist Chandana Ranaweera has carved out a niche among art lovers for his individuality and characteristic painting. Inspired mostly by temple murals and cave art, he abides by them as his main topic without wandering into other mediums of which he is not familiar.

He is essentially an artist inspired by his rural surroundings emerging from his village situated at Alawwa. Ranaweera has spent the better part of his life in the corridors of temples if he was not teaching art at his village school.

Mythology has always been a source with Gods and Lords mounted on steeds and chariots. Using subtle colour as well as black/white, he leaves his signature on them.

Surprisingly, there is yet another side to his art. Something I stumbled on accidentally and though I would not scream about this forte. I was curious and fascinated because I am one who can understand what is between lines, not necessarily in words alone.

Line-drawing as we may call it, is yet another side of his talent, brush and palette removed. One has to have steady, strong fingers as well as the ingenuity to do so. One look at these sketches will arouse anyone's curiosity and who will come to terms that they are easy. No, they are not.

As for one, I tried but failed. Geometrical figures, abstracted langauge roll into one has created improvisation that has impelled him. Flowing beneath the thick black lines, he creates a supernatural depth but truly celestial.

Line drawing profoundly influences artists who express their thoughts from a dark and obsessed mind subconsciously and can affect the observer's senses. Many carry a narrative in message, a sense confined only to the painter which summarise a situation why art lovers hesitate to patronise line drawing or even to study them.

They are a distraction interfering with an artist's spiritual responses. But the expressive potential in line drawing has not yet been discovered or accepted which makes an artist end up as a cartoonist.

But some of the line drawings through the medium of stain glass on characters from the plays of Shakespeare at Stratford-upon-Avon, express a more passionate view on the art of lines.

At least a bold artist is convinced that lines too are a great asset to him. Ranaweera builds on them with a bolder, stronger lineage. He will do it with time but for the present it is a struggle to draw the attention of art lovers to take a deep and penetrating look.


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