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Government Gazette

Need for national debate on federal idea

COLOMBO: Members of the Centre for Policy Alternatives representing more than 25 organisations gathered at a National Symposium to discuss constitutional reform for conflict resolution on February 6.

They urged all political parties, groups and communities to work together to develop a durable political solution that will address the aspirations of all peoples within a united and democratic Sri Lanka.

The Centre has studied and discussed the evolution of the island's ethnic conflict, past attempts at resolving the conflict, and the federal idea as a possible model for a reasonable and durable political solution to the conflict.

It believes that the federal idea suitably adapted to deal with the particular challenges faced by Sri Lanka offers a basis for such a solution.

Federalism which seeks to combine self rule and shared rule, unity in diversity, autonomy which is secure and guaranteed within a supreme Constitution which enshrines human rights, pluralism and democracy, is an internationally recognised constitutional/political model for countries that are multi-ethnic and plural in character.

A federal Constitution offers a reasonable accommodation or compromise in a conflict where one side is committed to a unitary state and the other a separate state.

The country cannot afford a protracted military conflict where innocent civilians from all communities are displaced, maimed or killed.

A reasonable political solution must move beyond the existing, inadequate, maximum devolution of power within a unitary constitution, as introduced by the Thirteenth Amendment to the Constitution nearly 20 years ago.

The Centre has understood that many Sri Lankans have fears and misconceptions as to the meaning of federalism. These should be addressed in an islandwide debate that is open, informed, and respectful of dissent.

This is what it has done in districts throughout the country over the past year. It urges all Sri Lankans, including political leaders and civil society groups to participate in such a debate and seriously consider the adoption of a federal Constitution in Sri Lanka.



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