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2nd death anniversary - 12th December, Monday:

Somahamuduruvo - the beacon light of Dhamma

"Visara dova Upasankamathi - one who has excelled in Dhamma proceeds courageously.

DURING the decade of 1970, he was a frequent visitor at Maharagama Sri Dharmayatanaya, at times along with his family members. He was a popular person both among Bhikkhus and the laymen. As a layman too he delivered sermons at this temple. He was no one, but Weerathunga Arachchige Don Somarathne.

He was the person who later became "Gangodawila Soma Thera and won the hearts of a whole country and a noble Buddha Putra who finally made all of them to weep forever.

Ven. Soma Thera who obtained his ordination at the age of 25 from Maharagama Dharmayatanaya initially studied Dhamma under his instructors, the Most Venerable Madihe Pannaseeha Maha Nayake Thera and the Most Venerable Ampitiye Rahula Thera.

Subsequently he proceeded to Veheregala Aranya in Mahaoya to practise meditation. While he lived in the jungles he received his alms in the form of Pindapatha.

Ven. Maharagama Dhammasiri Thera, the Viharadipathi of Washington Vihara and Viharadikari of Maharagama Dharmayatanaya said that Soma Thera had gone through the Tripitaka, three times while he was in Aranya. None of the wild and dangerous animals had harmed him, even though he lived in jungles.

His excellent knowledge in Dhamma gave him the nerve to expel misconceptions and misbelieves which were pouring into real Dhamma such as faith in Hindu gods, seeking refuge from them, offering poojas to them etc.

Soma Hamuduruvo who had the right belief in Dhamma in this very aspect concentrated and devoted much of his time in delivering sermons on it and convinced the devotees to have faith only in Thisarana.

Thus he was able to make a pure or rather Buddhists who sought refuge only from Buddha, Dhamma and Sangha. Even pandits were astonished while Soma Hamuduruvo continued discussing and delivering on this subject.

Ven. Maharagama Dhammasiri emphasised a rare quality which Soma Thera had, that he could not be bought by anybody.

Soma Hamuduruvo never went after high profiles to gain materialistic benefits. Even if he knew that he would lose something or defeated he spoke the truth straightforwardly and did whatever he ought to do. But the onlookers mistook it as if Somahamuduruvo was a stubborn person.

The life led by Somahamuduruvo was a very simple and light one. He did not think in a conventional manner. He discussed and delivered sermons to suit the time and the crowd.

He preferred to hold discussions inquiring the views of the audience than delivering a one-hour sermon. His discussions went on for hours and hours, extending at least to 3 hours.

Yet, the crowds were attracted towards his manner of explanations that they listened to him for hours silently and enthusiastically. The people in Sri Lanka venerated him and were affectionate towards him unconditionally. His devotees belonged to different religions and races.

This is evident that many Christians, Hindus, Muslims used to flock in front of his room No. 42 at Maharagama Dharmayatanaya early morning to seek advice from him. He spent his time for the benefit of the people, but never exhausted.

Ven. Dhammasiri Thera mentioned that the best student monk of Madhihe Pannaseeha Thera was Venerable Gangodawila Soma Thera. He had travelled abroad extensively delivering his precious Dhamma gifts, both among foreigners and our own people.

Ven. Thirikunamale Ananda Thera said: "A special feature which highlighted through Soma Hamuduruvo's character was his dedication with honesty to whatever work that he undertook to perform. He did it selflessly.

He took the Bodisatva qualities of Mahanayake Thera into his life as an example. There were no obstructions for them from any race, individual, religion, time or nation in fulfilling their mission on the path of Dhamma.

Soma Hamuduruvo's competence in Sinahala, Pali and English was excellent. He was eloquent in his speech using uncomplicated style of communication.

He realised the necessity of establishing suitability to enter the field of social service. Therefore he mastered the Tripitaka first and reminisced Dhamma very often to refresh his knowledge in Buddhism. He had his own style of delivering Dhamma which the majority of the society embraced dearly.

Those who dedicate for the well-being of the community should first of all concentrate about their well-being as well. But he worked tirelessly for days and days travelling faraway. This was one reason that he did not think of his own health and fell sick.

On 17th January 1991, Soma Hamuduruvo wrote to his master, Ven. Madihe Pannaseeha Thera from Melbourne, Australia, "Ven. Sir, I would complete 45 years on 24th of April 1992. There is only a period of 18-20 years remaining for me.

Though life is equal to the dew on the grass, I know very well that the astrological prediction is this. I feel there is no time to delay..."

It could be the reason that Soma Hamuduruvo strived hard for social service tirelessly without thinking of his own self.

He had the special characteristics of self confidence and patience. These qualities he strengthened more and more.

While he was in Australia engaging in propagation of Dhamma initially, he had to face a lot of difficulties. He had a lot of mental agonies. But he could overcome all those obstacles as only he had those saintly qualities.

On another occasion when writing to Ven. Maddihe Pannaseeha Thera, "when reminiscing the pleasant and unpleasant experiences up to this date, I feel happy.

The reason for that is I have been able to come to this stage step by step with the courage and strength which I developed through all such experiences. The secret behind achieving success is acting with pure thoughts and not with malicious thoughts.

It is I only who know how I got the protection from deities who have realized the truth through the blessings of the noble Thisarana. I am always trying to shower metta among all those who have helped me in gaining both pleasant and unpleasant memories. I have Sraddha. I have self confidence."

The Buddha expounded that if the preacher expounds Dhamma having had given example to others, that he would not disrespect Him.

Soma Thera fulfilled his mission while protecting the respect of his teachers and the Dhamma. He had a lot of belief in Buddhanussathi (reminiscing the virtues of Buddha).

Also always tried to protect the Vinaya (code of ethics). It was because of this nature that the country felt the effectiveness of his service towards Sasana and the society.

Ven. Maddihe Pannaseeha Mahanayake thera entrusted the task of Thurunu Saviya and Tharuna Seela Samadanaya on Somahamuduruvo.

It was because of his efficient organizing capabilities that the social and religious service could be extended throughout the country as expected by the Maha Nayake Thera.

Undoubtedly the name of Somahamuduruvo will record in the history of Sri Lanka because of his service to this country extended during a short period of time as a brave Bhikkhu.

It is through a clear understanding of his service that his service may be established forever in this country. If one tries to add colour to his service just to fulfill their personal agendas, it is unjust.

The future of the tireless service of Somahamuduruvo along with his message. "Virtue is the prosperity of a nation", is the challenge which stands in front of the young Bhikkhus in this country.

Therefore young Bhikkhus should correctly understand who is a bhikkhu, bhikkhuhood, the duties of a bhikkhu in relation to religion and towards the nation. The society needs the entry of such bhikkhus with corrective understanding about Dhamma and the code of ethics.

An extension of Bhikkhus with corrective guidance to the society would undoubtedly become a fine reply to the speedy spreading of the forces which work against Buddhism.

The voice of Somahamuduruvo belongs to the Sangha. That path is the heritage of Maha Sangha.

It is the duty of all of us, - Bhikkhu laymen to convert it to a force of people to return Sri Lanka to a Dharmadveepa. The best period for that has arisen.



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