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80th birthday of Sri Sathya Sai Baba :

An advocate of love and understanding

Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba is the source of spiritual revolution that has today brought within itself large sections of people the world over. This spiritual revolution was described by Sai Baba himself as a "revolution more powerful and pervasive than any that man has experienced so far, political, economic, scientific or technological and that it is deeper and more fundamental".

Baba added that this revolution has love of the means and the goal and that it awakens the dormant power of love in the spheres of education morality, political and science. He has said that it will inspire man to long service and thereby reveal to him the brotherhood of man.

All great spiritual leaders who effected such revolutions in the past were identified in the Hindu tradition as the Avatars of God. Avatar means the incarnation of divinity in human form or descent of God to earth. Baba showed early in his life that within his human form is no ordinary being but God Himself. Those who come under the influence of his teachings are on the path of self, realisation and spiritual illumination.

Sathya Sai Baba is the second in a line of Triple Sai Avatars, the first being Shirdi Sai Baba, the third being Prema Sai Baba who is yet to come. The task of the first Sai Avatas was to reveal divinity, that of the second is to awake mans inmate divinity and that of the third is to bring this awakened inmate divinity to its ultimate fruition.

Selfless service to mankind is the higher spiritual discipline. Sri Sathya Sai Baba teaches and he exemplifies this ideal in his life. His inspiration, guidance and ceaseless efforts have resulted in the formation of thousands of service organisations all over the world.

Baba has said effort to serve more spring from agony at the suffering of others and the service rendered must be a genuine effort to remove their anguish. Besides, do not have an eye on the results - the fruits of service, help as much as you can without seeking any reward even if it be only gratitude. In fact Bhagavan's message of brotherhood of man and the fatherhood of God is reaching the heart of true seeker round the world.

For Sai devotees His love is the prime moves of this lives. We all had some experience of His boundless grace and omnipresence. We all wish for and cherish Swami's presence with us every moment as the guiding light of our lives.

According to Baba, "The integration of the world community can only be possible if we integrate our own lives in the first instance." In other words spirituality has to become an integral part of our living. The essence of this is to practise the spiritual life. His salient teachings are love all, serve all, respect all religions, practise harmony in thought, word and deed, seek the dissolution of the ego, practise ceiling on desire, realise the divinity within, believe in the unity of faiths, practise spirituality in daily life and live the life of love.

Love is the essence of all his teaching. Love has tremendous power. It can bring you all what you want. Baba does not seek popularity by addressing the audience in the language they prefer. He says that there is only one language - the language of the heart which communicates by virtue of spiritual qualities namely friendliness, sympathy, understanding of others, good humans and honesty.

Undoubtedly, the message of Sri Sathya Sai Baba will definitely redeem millions from hatred, mistrust, anger, violence, conflicts and contradictions trials and tribulations and will lead them to the path of love, peace, kindness and compassion.



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