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UNP on paid advertisements

The UNP yesterday questioned as to how telecasting of paid advertisements in support of their candidate could be termed unethical.

"We have paid for all advertisements telecast in support of our leader while the Government is abusing the State media to boost the image of Prime Minister Mahinda Rajapakse," UNP Deputy General Secretary Tissa Attanayake told a media briefing at the Opposition Leader's Office yesterday.

Referring to Minister Mangala Samaraweera's remarks who claimed that massive sums were spent by the UNP on election advertisements, Attanayake said paid advertisement for telecasting in no way violated media ethics.

"I ask them whether is it ethical to telecast advertisements on behalf of their candidate without paying money to State media?"

He alleged that the Government was trying to control the private media too by making threatening statements.

"While the State media is used for the entire election propaganda campaign of Rajapakse, the State media is also being used to sling mud at the UNP leader. Is this ethical?" he asked.

Attanayake stressed that national resources should not be used for propaganda work or party politics. "We ask Government officials not to allow such political work."

Attanayake also produced a copy of the manifesto put forward by slain JVP leader Rohana Wijeweera when he contested the Presidential election in 1982.

"This manifesto had been published by the present JVP leader Somawansa Amarasinghe. Page four of this manifesto says that the three armed forces and intelligence divisions of the Police will be disbanded."

Attanayake explained that a recent statement by Amarasinghe to disband armed forces was nothing new.

"It is no surprise. They have said the same in 1980s," he said.

He charged that the JVP has undertaken the contract to sling mud at UNP leader Ranil Wickremesinghe.

"The Gramodaya Centre at Kollupitiya is used for this and we understand that various documents to sling mud are being prepared there."




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