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Mihintalava - The Birthplace of Sri Lankan Buddhist Civilization

Ven. Theripehe Somananda renders yeoman service to Buddha Sasana - President

The Ven. Rajakeeya Pandita Mahopadya Theripehe Somananda, Viharadhipati, Sri Sudharmaramaya, Thalawatugoda who has been appointed the 9th Mahanayake Thera of the Udarata Amarapura Maha Nikaya received his Act of Appointment from President Chandrika Bandaranaike Kumaratunga at a ceremony at President's House, Colombo on Monday.

The Maha Sangha led by the Ven. Rajakeeya Pandita Davuldena Gnaniswara Uttareetara Mahanayake Thera of the Samastha Lanka Amarapura Sangha Sabha, Kelaniya University's Chancellor Ven. Welamitiyawe Kusaladhamma Nayake Thera and Sri Jayawardenepura University's Chancellor Ven. Prof. Bellanwila Wimalaratana Nayake Thera also graced the occasion.

President Kumaratunga addressing the gathering said the appointment of an erudite and virtuous Bhikkhu of the calibre of Ven. Somananda to the exalted position of Mahanayake Thera of the Udarata Amarapura Maha Nikaya would bring immense benefits to the country, Buddha Sasana and Buddhists here and abroad. Therefore she considered it a great privilege to present the Act of Appointment to the Mahanayake Thera.

The President who observed that the Buddhist temple formed the nucleus of the village in the past, said that today there was a wide gulf between the temple and the village.

She said the Punyagrama programme launched on her initiative would hopefully eliminate this gulf and bring the village and the temple closer together once again as the temple would be the pivot around which development activities in the village would revolve.

The President said conversion of Buddhists to other religions could not be stopped through legislation alone.

Forced conversion of Buddhists to other religions took place in this country during the colonial period. Although there was a Buddhist revival in 1956, proselytizing has caused much concern among Buddhist leaders and the public at large.

The President said she would wish the new Mahanayake Thera strength, courage and good health to be a beacon to the Sinhala community and the Buddhist public.

Speaker W.J.M. Lokubandara and Buddhasasana, Agriculture, Public Security and Law and Order Minister and Deputy Defence Minister Ratnasiri Wickramanayake also made offerings to the new prelate. A copy of a simple Sinhala version of a volume of the Tripitaka was presented to the President by D.W. Abeywickrama, Secretary Ministry of Buddhasasana. Copies of the 'Bhasha Sahityika Lipi Saraniya' written by Ven. Dr. Kiwulegedara Narada Thera and the "Dharma Shastreeya Lipi Saraniya" containing articles written by the new prelate were also presented to the President at this ceremony.

Ven. Davuldena Gnaniswara Mahanayake Thera administered Pansil to the gathering. Ven. Dr. Kiwulegedara Narada Thera delivered the welcome speech. While Minister R.M.C.B. Ratnayake gave an introduction about the new Mahanayake Thera.

Power and Energy Minister Susil Premajayantha was also present.



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